Trusted Sellers (My Recommendations on Where to Shop for Replicas)

replica handbag collection - where to shop
A photo of some of the replica bags in my collection.

Where Do I Buy Quality Replica Items: Bags, Jewelry, Shoes, and Clothes

If you’re looking to get your hands on a high quality replica bag, you’ve probably asked around for where to shop, and this is fair – it is a common dilemma faced by both replica newbies and enthusiasts alike. I personally receive a ton of questions regarding my personal recommendations for trustworthy vendors, so I believe it’s time to openly discuss the matter.

First off, shopping for replicas isn’t as easy as you’d think. The market’s kind of like a maze, filled with sketchy characters and lots of potential complications.

As a shopper you don’t have the same advantage that you would when shopping for authentic designer products (e.g. usually there is no clear return or exchange policy), and you are usually shopping across borders (many replica factories are located in Asia as described in detail on this blog).

Finding yourself in this tricky scenario, it becomes quite clear that you need guidance (at least I sure did and many times still do when navigating the replica world).

As mentioned above, I’ve received many emails from blog readers asking, “where can I get the best replica bags” or “where can I get the best [insert designer] replica [bag, shoe, wallet, watch, jewelry]” which makes it clear people want guidance for navigating replica shopping.

I mean who doesn’t love shopping under the guidance or wisdom of those who have already gone through many replica dealers/sellers, and along the way sifted and sorted through them to find the very best of the best?

In the world of replica shopping (regardless of whether you are shopping for a replica handbag, replica shoes, replica jewelry, or replica watch), relying on the expertise of seasoned shoppers is highly valuable since it will save you both money and time.

I myself had to go through buying numerous replica bags before I really started to hone in on what a high quality replica was versus what a poor knockoff was.

What is the Trusted Sellers List?

As already mentioned I’ve received countless requests to make recommendations on where to shop for replicas based on my lengthy experiences in the replica world, and have compiled this list in response.

Please take note that this list is thoroughly vetted but I’d still strongly suggest you read the general shopping tips I’ve provided in the Ultimate Guide to Buying Replica Bags before finalizing any purchase you may wish to make to ensure that you: (a) get what you want, and (b) aren’t disappointed.

Heads up: I’ve stopped buying from places like IOffer, Aliexpress, and social media (e.g. Instagram). They’re just too hit-or-miss, and there are too many shady characters on these platforms. Instead, I’ve decided to to stick with a few sellers I know and trust. That way, I’m way more confident I’ll get something that’s good quality.

How Sellers Get on the Trusted List

To be featured on this list, sellers must have received a decent number of reviews that are positive and I must have made a personal purchase from each seller to ensure that they are not fake or a scam. The external or third party reviews will come from readers of this blog, and other online communities. The following criteria will be considered when evaluating sellers for inclusion on the list:

1. Accurate & Honest Representation:

Sellers must be completely transparent about what they are selling. This means they must provide clear images and detailed descriptions of the products they offer, without the use of any shady selling practices (e.g. bait & switch tactics or deception) during their sale process.

2. Secure Payments:

Sellers need to demonstrate that they have a strong history of handling the payment of their customers with care. As previously noted, shopping for replicas can be financially tricky since most transactions involve cash payments in some form or another (e.g. bank transfer, Western Union, Moneygram, Wise etc.).

3. Prompt Communication:

Although most sellers are based in Asia and are correspondingly situated in different time zones, sellers should still not exhibit significant delays in responding to customers beyond a reasonable timeframe.

4. Transparent Shipping Schedules:

Sellers must clearly communicate their shipping timelines to buyers and maintain a good reputation for adhering to these stated timelines.

5. Confidentiality:

Sellers are required to keep all buyer/customer information private and refrain from engaging in any form of violating the privacy of their customers.

6. Openness:

Sellers should not discourage reviews from buyers anywhere, unless they are false or fraudulent. The Rep Salad supports the sharing of diverse experiences, both positive and negative.

7. Proven Track Record:

Sellers should have an established presence and experience in the replica market, demonstrating their commitment and reliability as a serious seller rather than a fleeting operation.

Please note: no sellers are permitted to influence the list in anyway. This list is intended to be an information source created by replica shoppers for replica shoppers!

Trusted Replica Sellers (by brand)

Celine Replica Bags (and other replica products)

  1. RepSense
  2. Aaron
  3. Nancy

Chanel Replica Bags (and other replica products)

  1. SocietyOfChanel

Gucci Replica Bags (and other replica products)

  1. RepSense
  2. Aaron
  3. Nancy

Hermes Replica Bags (and other replica products)

  1. Bobby – Exclusively Hermes Dealer (Handmade)
  2. HermesHeaven
  3. RepSense

Louis Vuitton Replica Bags (and other replica products)

  1. RepSense
  2. Aaron
  3. Nancy

Replica Jewelry/Watches

  1. 4everJewel

Trusted Replica Sellers (by seller)








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  1. Isaac T
    June 21, 2023 / 11:46 am

    Hello all, I’m a newbie! 😳 Need some guidance on customs and duties thresholds for the U.S. Anyone have experience with this?

    • June 23, 2023 / 9:54 pm

      I’d say order a small amount at first. I’ve personally never gone beyond 2-3 bags per order because I don’t want to risk having anything seized.

  2. Mara O.
    July 4, 2023 / 10:27 am

    Currently torn between the Lady Dior in matte black and the Travel Nomad bag. Suggestions, anyone?

  3. Tristan
    July 17, 2023 / 7:42 am

    Fell head over heels for the black raffia Prada 2005 edition reissue as a fall bag. Saw it randomly and now can’t stop thinking about it.

    • July 19, 2023 / 11:50 am

      Just googled it. It is indeed a beautiful bag. Let me know if you have any luck locating it in rep form.

  4. Anna L
    July 20, 2023 / 8:29 am

    Been a rep lady since 2018 but only ordered while in China and Europe. Anyone know if ordering to Germany or Dubai is safer to avoid items getting seized?

  5. Aria
    August 2, 2023 / 9:14 am

    Three new beauties arrived today, and choosing which to use first is a struggle! Still waiting for four more bags to add to the collection. 🥺

    • August 2, 2023 / 6:55 am

      ‘Tis the perpetual dilemma of a replica shopper – how can we stop buying when we are saving SO much? Too hard!

  6. Suki
    August 16, 2023 / 7:13 pm

    Thanks for this wonderful blog. What payment methods do they accept?

    • August 16, 2023 / 7:15 pm

      Hi Suki, you can feel free to reach out to the individual sellers to get that info as I don’t have it on hand. I have paid in a variety of ways including wire transfer, WU, even Paypal sometimes.

  7. Diana
    August 24, 2023 / 2:18 pm

    Any recommendations for sellers with quick shipping? I’ve got a last-minute girls trip and would love to order some items.

    • August 27, 2023 / 9:56 pm

      This is not something I can comment on. Hopefully someone else can chime in or you can just contact each seller to confirm what their timelines are.

  8. Emma Thompson
    August 27, 2023 / 1:49 am

    Anybody ever tried those DIY Birkin, Puzzle, Saddle bag kits advertised on Insta? Thoughts on leather quality and results?

    • August 27, 2023 / 3:19 pm

      I haven’t personally come across these but they do sound interesting. Hopefully someone else who has experience with them can provide a better perspective.

  9. August 27, 2023 / 12:53 pm

    Thank you for this list. I am looking for the best quality Hermes bag. Do you think HH is a safe bet?

    • August 27, 2023 / 3:17 pm

      I mean I have yet to go wrong with using HH but Bobby is also not bad either. I’d contact both and go with whomever you feel more comfortable with.

  10. Cindy
    September 13, 2023 / 9:25 pm

    My Hermes Birkin 35 in gold togo (gold hardware) from Bobby is absolutely uncalloutable, I’ve even worn it shopping at designer stores and into an Hermes boutique. It’s pretty flawless.

  11. September 14, 2023 / 11:21 am

    I’ve finally pulling the trigger on a custom Birkin from Hannah at Hermes Heaven.. this waiting is excruciating and it’s only been a week.. only 3 more weeks left (hopefully it doesn’t take longer).

    I find that no other bags excite me like waiting for this Birkin XD granted I already have a pretty substantial collection of bags, but I used to spend hours scouring the internet for the next gorgeous bag to add to my collection. Now I spend some time watching Hermes store fail stories on youtube (the lengths that people go to for a bag from the Hermes store!) haha

  12. Lottie
    September 24, 2023 / 9:33 pm

    I’ve just received my mini top handle in black caviar from SOC, it was a 30th birthday gift from hubby! It’s beautiful and perfect But now I’m thinking should I have got the small classic double flap instead? Guess I need to order a second bag (in advance of my 31st birthday ;-P).

  13. October 2, 2023 / 10:27 pm

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful replica bag collection and so much information on how to shop for replicas!! It has been invaluable in guiding me to purchase my first replica Birkin from HH. Fingers cross my bag is perfect.

  14. Hermeslover
    December 31, 2023 / 2:30 am

    Thanks for this research and blog. Have you purchased from Coverted Luxury – Michael? I went through their website but I can’t find customer reviews for them. I’m curious.

    Also, how do you answer your friends when they ask details about the purchase experience 😅

  15. sania
    May 21, 2024 / 9:58 am

    I bought two times from nancy and she is a great seller.

  16. LOTTE
    June 2, 2024 / 6:53 am

    I remember the first time I ordered it was from RS, and the seller said it was 1:1. The quality was very good when I received it.

  17. Chad
    July 10, 2024 / 12:21 pm

    Would you say that Society of Chanel is the best super fakes on the market? Looking for my gf.

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