The Ultimate Guide to Buying Hermès Replica Bags

Looking to purchase a Hermès replica bag? I have experience shopping for them, and wanted to create this guide to help you know exactly what to look for when shopping for one. We’ll cover everything from the basics such as what a Hermès replica bag is, to where you can buy the best ones.

Unlike purchasing an authentic Hermès bag, shopping for a replica bag is not a straightforward exercise (regardless of the brand you are shopping for) and requires you to be a well informed shopper before you take the plunge and make any sort of buying decision.

Understanding the Hermès Brand

Before we get into more details on what to look for when shopping for a Hermès replica bag or where to buy one let’s first go over the Hèrmes brand and the legacy it carries…

Quick Summary of The Hermès Legacy

Hermès is not just a brand.

It is arguably the brand when it comes to luxury shopping. The Hermès brand was established in Paris in the year 1837 and set the gold standard when it comes to designer bags and accessories. Hermès prides itself on craftsmanship, and shoppers eagerly pay thousands of dollars to get a piece from the fashion house that exudes this craftsmanship.

The most popular Hermès items (likely ones you have heard of) are their Birkin and Kelly bags. The Birkin was named after the actress and singer Jane Birkin while the Kelly was named after the Prince of Monaco Grace Kelly (formerly an American actress).

grace kelly hermes bag
Grace Kelly carrying the Hermes bag that now famously bears her name.

Now given this information, it may be unsurprising to you that you cannot simply waltz into a Hermès boutique and purchase one of their coveted Birkin or Kelly bags. These iconic bags are not simply sold on demand, and require a shopper to have a history at a local boutique before they are eventually offered the opportunity to purchase a bag.

This means that if you are lucky enough to own a Birkin or Kelly you have joined an exclusive club – one that signals you really know the ins and outs of luxury fashion.

Celebrity Influence

Hermès used to be a brand that was only recognized by fashion fanatics who could afford to indulge in these pricey pieces.

However in the last couple of years (in unison with the rise of social media) Hermès has undoubtedly become more mainstream, and the Birkin bag has become a sort of cultural icon in the sense that it represents the creme de la creme of designer bags, and signals both a sense of financial and fashion finesse.

Celebrities unsurprisingly have become obsessed with Hermès Birkin and Kelly bags, and by frequently rocking these Hermès bags they have helped both the Birkin and Kelly bags’ status as cultural icons only become further cemented.

From Victoria Beckham’s well-publicized collection of Birkins to Kim Kardashian’s customized pieces, celebrities have made these bags even further synonymous with glamour, wealth, and sophistication.

celebrities wearing birkin bags
Celebrities carrying Birkin bags.

Generally, when a celebrity is seen with a Birkin or Kelly, it’s not just a fashion statement; it’s a proclamation of their place in the hierarchy of fame and success. It’s no wonder replica Hermès bags are becoming so popular.

What exactly is a Hermès Replica Bag?

Hermès replicas bags are a copy of their authentic counterparts which are often sold at a fraction of the cost. Replica bags make the Hermès experience more attainable for a wider range of shoppers.

Hermès’ own employees were even busted in 2011 for reproducing their bags and selling them as replicas in a wild story I read on the Daily Mail.

High-quality Hermès replicas are meticulously crafted to mimic the design, texture, and even the minutiae like stitching and hardware of authentic Hermès bags.

This level of detail appeals to both fashion enthusiasts who appreciate the artistry in a well-made bag, Hermès addicts who want to add replicas to compliment their authentic collection of bags, as well as practical shoppers who desire the Hermès aesthetic without necessarily wanting to spend tens of thousands on an authentic bag.

Hermes replica bag collection
Some of the Hermes replica and authentic bags in my friends collection. Can you tell which bags are authentic versus replica? If you can’t don’t worry, neither can I (unless I use a microscope on some features!).

Why Choose a Hermès Replica Over Authentic Bags

Why are some people, even the wealthy, leaning towards replicas? Here’s why.


Authentic Hermès bags are not only expensive but also notoriously difficult to acquire. Waiting lists can stretch on for years, and there’s no guarantee of eventually getting the exact design or material you desire. High-quality replicas offer immediate availability.

Economic Sense:

While a genuine Hermès bag could be considered an investment, its high upfront cost and the uncertainty of resale value can be off-putting. Replicas, being significantly less expensive, offer a way to enjoy the prestige and design without the hefty financial commitment.


Before investing in a real Birkin or Kelly, some choose to try out a replica to gauge if the style suits their needs and lifestyle. The replica serves as a “test run.”

Fear of Damage or Loss:

Owning a high-end luxury bag comes with its own set of anxieties like damage or theft. With a replica, the emotional and financial risks are significantly reduced.

Social Flexibility:

The social circles of the wealthy can be surprisingly diverse. In settings where flaunting a five or six-figure bag might be considered gauche or attract unwanted attention, a high-quality replica offers a convenient compromise.

Fashion Fluidity:

Fashion trends evolve rapidly. Investing in an authentic luxury bag that might go out of vogue can seem unwise to those who prefer to keep up with the latest styles. Replicas offer a way to adapt to changing tastes without financial repercussions.


Advances in manufacturing have led to replicas that are almost indistinguishable from the real thing in terms of craftsmanship and quality, making them an attractive option for discerning buyers.

Storytime: Read about my friend who bought a replica of her $85,000 Birkin bag…

Now if you have thousands laying around and want to buy the real deal, all I have to say to you is, “all the power to you”! Spend your money as you wish. However I know for a fact that there are a lot of rich socialites who are exclusively buying replica Hermès bags ever since they have discovered how close they are to the real deal.

I mean I can even share with you that I know one lady who is a multi-millionaire in the Southwest, lives in a huge mansion, has real Hermès bags, and still purchases copies of her original Hermès bags as replicas. This includes a stunning crocodile Rose Mexico Shiny Porosus Crocodile Birkin 30 PHW.

Yes my friends – this means that this individual who could afford and did buy a Hermès Birkin that was worth over $85,000 USD actually purchased a copy of her said $85,000 bag in order to prevent her real one from being needlessly damaged.

Rose Mexico Shiny Porosus Crocodile Birkin replica
This is the same model of the bag my friend had replicated. Believe it or not she kept both her authentic and replica version of the bags.

You and I both know there is a stigma around replica bags, and luxury puritans can get very obsessive and combative when the idea of a replica is even discussed around them. However in the “real world” there are discreet multi-millionaires who are indulging in replica Hermès bags as much as they are indulging in authentic Hermès bags.

And I mean who can blame them? If you are purchasing authentic Hermès bags it is akin to an investment. Why not get a replica Hermès bag made for 10% of the price to use in order to protect your investment in an authentic bag which you may only want to use a few times a year?

Quality differences between Hermès Replica Bags

Please note that there are different qualities of replica bags, and when it comes to Hermès replica bags there is no exception in terms of navigating these different types of qualities. Understanding the difference in quality can save you from a lot of regrets. What do I mean by this?

Well there are two types of Hermès replica bags (machine made and handmade) as outlined in the chart below:

hermes replica bag comparison

Handmade bags are superior in every way as they are made using the same techniques as official Hermès workshops. However in the world of replicas we all know that the devil is in the details and there is even a difference between a good handmade Hermès replica versus a less good one.

What Makes a Good Handmade Hermès Replica?

In order to score the best quality handmade replica Hermès handbag you will need to ensure that you know how to judge a replica bag. This involves being educated on everything about Hermès bags when it comes to their construction and design including:

  • bag shape or structure,
  • top handle shape or structure
  • leather types,
  • leather sources,
  • hardware materials, and
  • stitching.

I know it isn’t easy to pick up on spotting quality differences right away, and that a person usually needs to buy a couple of replica bags before they are really able to pick up on these qualitative differences. Below you will see photos of replica Hermès bags I actually purchased – one of which is not so great (a Kelly replica) while the other is a stunning handmade replica Birkin bag.

Although in pictures you may not be able to distinguish the quality differences between the bags, in person I can tell you that it is very apparent which bag was handmade with extra effort (as the structure and overall look/feel of the bag reflect this extra care taken with it).

Hermes Birkin 30 Replica Bag – A Really Really Good Replica

The photo above is of one of my bags which is a Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag which I purchased. It is a premium quality replica (also known as a super fake) that was hand sewn and uses the exact same quality of materials as authentic Hermès bags (including leather that is imported from Europe). The bag is stunning and you can read a full review of the bag on the blog here!

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Review – Not a Good Replica.

The photo above is of a Hermès Kelly replica bag. This was one of the first replica bags I ever purchased and boy oh boy did I learn a lot from this “lemon”. Click here to read the full review.

Generally there is a big difference between a replica Hermès bag that you can buy on Canal Street versus one you can purchase from an artisanal factory in Asia that seeks to mimic the original product to the closest degree possible.

What to Expect When Shopping for a Hermès Replica Bag

Navigating through the buying process requires some know-how. Here’s what to expect.

Choosing the Right Seller

When shopping for replica Hermès bags you can expect to deal with sellers which are primarily located in Asia. These sellers have a wide range of experience and you should aim to shop with the ones that have been crafting replica Hermès handbags for years.

Such dealers are usually the ones with the best product as they have perfected the craft of remaking Hermès bags including paying attention to the finer details that really point to whether a bag is authentic or replica. So when shopping make sure that you always ask a seller how long they have been making Hermès replicas.

Understand Order Timelines

If the bag you are purchasing will be custom made or handmade then you must also take note that it will take time for your bag to be completed. This is a much different experience than simply purchasing a replica Hermès bag off the shelf.

Top tier replica dealers usually have workshops which are identical to that of Hermès itself. It is within these workshops that bags are made, and timing wise it can take up to two months (in my experience) for a bag to be completed. Of course different factors can influence timing (e.g. whether you are buying during a more busy or less busy period). When you are shopping for a replica Hermès bag make sure to keep these sort of timelines in mind.

Payment Methods

In terms of payment, shopping for replicas differs from shopping for authentic designer handbags in that you must be prepared to pay through non-traditional routes. I personally have had to pay through money transfer services as well as Bitcoin for replica products in the past. Sometimes however you may get lucky and are able to pay through more traditional (and simpler) means such as a credit card or Paypal.

Generally, there is a lot to keep in mind when shopping for any replica product – let alone a Hermès replica handbag. Scroll down below to read five important shopping tips that I’d suggest you have at the forefront of your mind when considering shopping for a Hermès replica.

Shopping Tips for Hermès Replica Bags

If you think you are ready to explore the world of Hermès replicas, and are contemplating buying a replica Hermès handbag (whether it be a Birkin, Kelly, or otherwise) then make sure you pay attention to the following tips:

Don’t cheap out – buy a high quality replica Hermès bag

The most important piece of advice I can offer you is: if you are thinking about buying a replica Hermès bag do not do so unless you are ready to invest between $1500 to $2500 in a very high quality replica Hermès bag. To spend any less means you will likely get burned, and waste your money. If you are thinking about ordering a Hermès bag made from an exotic leather then you can expect to pay up to 10% of the authentic bag’s price tag (yes that means some replica Hermès bags go up to $10,000 if they are made of the more pricey exotic leathers).

There is a reason why Hermès bags are expensive in the first place, and if you want a high quality product then you need to spend the requisite amount of money on a Hermès replica to ensure you end up with a good quality replica handbag.

Pay attention to the leather

Hermès bags are fairly simplistic in terms of design, and it can be argued that what ultimately ‘make’ their bags iconic is their leather quality and structure. Hermès is known for its use of premium leathers. Replica Hermès manufacturers that are serious about their bags typically source leathers from Europe. This includes the following heritage leathers that Hermès is most known for: naturelle leather, box leather, barenia leather, butler leather, and tadelakt leather.

When you are shopping for a replica Hermès bag make sure you ask the replica seller what quality their leather is, and where their leather is manufactured. Keep in mind that when it comes to the more exotic leathers such as crocodile or ostrich, these leathers are often sourced from non-European countries including as far as in the continent of Africa.

hermes replica bag swatches

Examine the stitching – Hermès bags are stitched by hand

As a fan of Hermès, I can say that what I adore most about Hermès bags (regardless of whether it is an authentic or replica Hermès bag) is the stitching on the bag. I love how the stitching looks, and my favorite Hermès bags are the ones with stitching that contrasts with the color of the leather on the bag (as pictured below). On their official website it is stated that, “an icon of its time and for all time, a Hermès bag is the fruit of many hours at an artisan’s table, whose every stitch is applied by hand in a precise and constantly repeated gesture.”

hermes replica bag stitching

Check the hardware – it should be either gold plated brass or silver palladium

The hardware on a Hermès bag is just as important as every other feature on the bag. Authentic Hermès bags are made from either gold plated brass (called GHW for short) or from palladium (called PHW for short). For Hermès bags with gold hardware 18-karat gold plating is typically used, however it is important to note that some rarer styles may actually come with 24-karat gold plated hardware.

If you are buying a top quality replica Hermès bag then the replica manufacturer should note that they sell hardware made from the exact same materials as Hermès bags, and this includes being placed with REAL gold for bags that are made with gold hardware. If you come across a replica manufacture that looks like the real deal otherwise but does not have this kind of hardware then you are NOT buying a top quality Hermès replica handbag.

hermes replica hardware comparison

Start simple

If you find a replica manufacturer or dealer who looks legit and you feel like you are ready to take the next step and purchase a bag from them I suggest that you go “light” at first by which I mean that you should order a more simple bag at first. That means I don’t suggest purchasing a more pricey exotic leather Birkin or Kelly as your first replica Hermès purchase, but instead perhaps you should go for the more simple leathers.

My golden rule when shopping for replica items (whether it be a replica bag, replica shoe, replica watch, replica scarf, replica jewelry or whatever) is to start small, vet a seller, and then order more if I am happy with the quality.

Where to Buy High-Quality Hermès Replica Bags

By now if your interest in replica Hermès bags remains piqued and you are ready to shop for one yourself then you are probably wondering what dealers or sellers are a safe bet. In other words you are probably wondering, “where the heck can I buy the best Hermès replica bag?” This a great question, and as you may (or may not know) replica dealers popup and disappear all the time.

My personal philosophy is to try to establish a relationship with a reputable seller whom I can return to time after time again. To this end, I have compiled a list of sellers that are tried, tested, and true (based on my experiences as well as the experiences of other trusted friends who are experienced with shopping for replicas). You can see that list of trusted dealers by clicking the link below:

Trusted Replica Sellers List

You can also read reviews I have done on my purchases of the following Hermès replica bags:

Hermes Mini Evelyne Replica Bag
This is my Evelyne replica bag.

Price Guide for Hermès Authentic and Replica Bags

Below you can find a price guide for Hermès bags (both authentic and replica). I have only given my knowledge of pricing on superfake Hermès bags since those are the only type of Hermès replica bags I personally shop for. So keep in mind you can find cheaper replicas out there but that comes at the cost of precision and accuracy (which I am personally a stickler for as a dual authentic/replica designer bag lover).

Bag ModelDescriptionApproximate Price Range for Authentic (as of my last training in 2022)Replica Bag Prices (superfakes/fully hand stitched)
BirkinOne of the most iconic and sought-after Hermes bags. Named after Jane Birkin.$10,000 – $500,000+ depending on material and rarity$1,000 to $10,000 (depending on materials)
KellyClassic handbag named after Grace Kelly.$9,000 – $400,000+ depending on material and rarity$1,000 to $10,000 (depending on materials)
ConstanceA crossbody bag with a large H buckle.$4,000 – $30,000+$1,000 t $1,800
EvelyneCasual crossbody with perforated H logo.$1,500 – $5,000+$1,000 to $1,700
Garden PartyA tote bag, usually made of canvas or leather$1,500 – $3,500+$1,000 to $1,500
HerbagOften called the “Kelly’s little sister”$1,500 – $3,000+$800 to $1,200
JypsiereCrossbody that looks like a casual Kelly$5,000 – $9,000+$1,000 to $1,800
BolideStructured top handle bag.$6,000 – $10,000+$1,000 to $1,900
LindySlouchy and casual tote/satchel.$5,500 – $10,000+$1,000 to $1,900
PicotinBucket bag style.$2,500 – $5,500+$1,000 to $1,400

Final Thoughts: Are Hermès Replica Bags Worth It?

A Hermès replica bag is not a cheap knock off – it is a high quality handbag that should be almost identical to an authentic Hermès bag. As explained above Hermès replica bags are not cheap, and are a mini investment in and of themselves. However when you compare the price of a Hermès replica handbag to that of an authentic Hermès handbag then you will realize that you are usually saving up to 90% while getting a bag that is pretty damn close to the original.

The savings are mouthwatering when it comes to Hermès replica handbags, and it is hard not to drool when thinking of how many Hermès replica bags you can add to your collection without breaking the bank. This likely explains why shopping for Hermès replicas has become almost a sort of “sport” amongst replica enthusiasts.

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Replica Bags

ultimate guide to buying best replica bags

Unpacking the Replica Bag: What Is It?

A replica bag is a copy or imitation of a designer handbag (e.g. Balenciaga, Chanel, Gucci, Hermès, or Louis Vuitton). These bags resemble their original counterparts but are sold at a fraction of the cost because they are not authentic.

The savings that replica bags offer can be tempting but it is important to know what to look for and how to shop for to avoid being burned (since you and I both know it is very easy to get scammed when shopping for replicas).

Replica Bag Grades: A Comprehensive Guide

Replica bags come in different grades or qualities ranging from super fakes on the high end to low quality counterfeits on the lowest end. These are the most common grades:

1. Low Quality Replicas

These bags are usually made from cheap materials and poor craftsmanship. They usually feature designs and logos which are recognizably flawed (‘Lewis Vuitton’ anyone?). These bags are the ones that are usually made fun of in pop culture (you’ve probably seen a show or a movie with some sort of variation on the line “is her bag fake?”) because they are easy to spot as fakes and may not last long due to their inferior construction.

Louis Vuitton replica Mean Girls movie
We can all probably envision a mean girl asking in a Regina George-esque voice, “is her bag even real?”

In terms of percentage, these bags are usually 40% close to the original. From afar you may be like “Oh that looks like an LV bag” but the closer you get you will realize these low quality replicas are simply mirages – or in other words illusory representations of designer bags. Here is an example of a low quality replica bag:

Low quality replica bag shopping guide
This is an example of a low quality replica bag shared by a fellow replica shopper who bought it from DHGate. You should not just stay away, but RUN AWAY, from these kind of replica bags. The quality is absolutely laughable.

2. Mid Quality Replicas

These bags use slightly better materials than low-quality replicas and usually have a more accurate design compared to low-quality replicas. However, they still have visible flaws specifically in relation to their craftsmanship and materials used to construct the bags. For example a mid-quality Louis Vuitton Neverfull replica bag will likely have plastic trimmings instead of trimmings made with authentic cowhide leather like authentic Louis Vuitton’s. Mid-quality replicas usually do not hold up well with regular use. Basically these are the type of fake bags that may cause you to think, “it looks like it could be real but feels fake”. In terms of percentage, these bags are probably around 60% close to the original. Here is an example of a mid quality Loewe replica Puzzle bag (shared by a blog reader who purchased it):

mid tier replica bag shopping guide
You can see the shape, and stitching on this bag are generally better than the low tier replica bag. However there are still a lot of issues with accuracy that can be spotted if you inspect the bag carefully.

3. High Quality Replicas

These bags use better materials, such as high-quality synthetic or genuine leather, and have more accurate designs and logos. These bags are often referred to as AAA+ or similar labels by Asian manufacturers. They may have fewer flaws than mid-quality replicas and can last longer with proper care, however an experienced eye can discern (fairly quickly) that these bags are fake.

Louis Vuitton replica Hangover movie
Do you remember when Louis Vuitton sued WB over the fake Louis Vuitton bag in the Hangover movie?

In terms of percentage, these bags are around 85% to 95% close to the original. These are the best replica bags you can buy and are the ones that have fooled expert authenticators and authentic puritans alike. Here is an example of a Birkin replica bag that a blog reader shared with me (she had purchased it and wanted to know what quality I thought it was so she emailed me). This bag can be considered to be part of the ‘high tier’. You will notice the bag looks pretty much like an authentic, however there are details (e.g. stitching, and interior of bag) that can be outed as a replica if an inspection of the bag is conducted:

‘High tier’ Birkin replica bag. You can see that the bag generally looks quite good – this is the tier that most people get after shopping for a while and gaining experience.

4. Premium or “Super Fake” Replicas

These bags are made with exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail, using high-quality materials that closely resemble the authentic product. Replica manufacturers who make super fakes usually use the exact same production method as authentic fashion houses (e.g. making bags by hand). They are often hard to distinguish from the original item and may pass the scrutiny of seasoned authenticators or designer enthusiasts In fact some super fakes are so good that people have been able to return them to designer boutiques in the place of authentic bags.

I personally only seek to purchase premium or super fake replicas when I shop for replica bags. This is because I am only interested in purchasing a bag that ultimately respects the criteria of the original fashion house, and is representative of a similar level of attention of care put into the craftsmanship of the bag. Here is an example of a superfake Birkin bag that I have reviewed on the blog:

Hermes Birkin replica bag

By purchasing, or thinking of purchasing, a replica bag you are already looking at saving quite a bit so I personally don’t think it is worth your money or time to buy a cheaply made replica. If you cannot afford premium or super fake replicas I’d suggest saving up until you can or going for an authentic affordable designer (e.g. Coach, Michael Kors) instead of going through the hassle of dealing with overseas sellers to merely end up with a subpar product that will not last the test of quality or time.

replica handbag collection shopping
Some bags in my replica handbag collection. Key word: some. I only purchase premium or “super fake” replicas.

Pros of Owning a Replica Bag

So why would anyone buy a replica bag over an authentic bag? I personally don’t see a competition between the two categories (nor do I see conflict between them), and I know there are many like minded fashionistas out there. I think that authentic bags have their place in my wardrobe – if I really like an authentic bag and I do not believe that a replica would do it justice I will gladly spend money on it (especially if it is to be a ‘forever’ piece in my closet). However, there are undeniable benefits to opting to buy a replica bag. Some of these benefits include:

1. Cost-effectiveness

Replica bags are generally more affordable than their authentic counterparts with savings sometimes reaching the 90% mark (who can reasonably say no to savings of that much?). This allows people like you and me to own a bag that is essentially equivalent to a high-end designer product without having to spend a large amount of money.

2. Accessibility

Some designer bags are produced in limited quantities or are hard to find, making them inaccessible to the average consumer. We don’t all have stylists on speed dial waiting to track down particular designs of luxury items so a replica can be a great alternative when you want a hard to find item without necessarily breaking the bank or facing the difficulty of tracking down the original. Now with this said, keep in mind that replica bags that are produced more frequently (e.g. a Louis Vuitton Neverfull) are typically better in terms of quality than those that are produced less frequently (e.g. a limited edition Louis Vuitton bag).

3. Fashion experimentation

Replica bags allow individuals to try out different styles and trends without investing in expensive designer items. This can be especially appealing for those who like to change their accessories frequently. For example you may love Chanel flap bags, however may be unsure as to whether a small, medium, or Jumbo flap is ideal for you. With replicas you can buy one of each size and test them out to see which works best for you. This is especially helpful if you seek to buy an authentic bag in the long run as a replica can serve as a sort of “test trial” at a fraction of the cost.

For example below you will see a photo of a Chanel replica flap bag that I bought in a color (Caviar Pearl Green) that I would have NEVER chosen in the actual Chanel boutique because I was being more experimental with my choices shopping for a rep:

chanel replica bag - caviar
Full Shot of my Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag (in Caviar Pearl Green)

4. Lower risk of theft or loss

Owning a replica bag instead of an authentic designer item might reduce the risk of theft, as it is less valuable. Additionally, losing a replica bag would be less financially devastating than losing an expensive authentic bag. You may recall the story I shared about my friend who purchased a replica of her $85,000 Birkin bag. One reason she bought a replica of the bag was to carry it in place of her authentic Birkin which she feared losing.

5. Travel friendly use

We’ve all been on buses, planes, and trains and know how beat up our belongings can get. Some people might choose to take a replica bag on vacation or with them while traveling to avoid the risk of damaging or losing their authentic designer bags. I can personally attest to how irritating it is to have a bag that has cost over $2,000 damaged during a trip and know that may of my designer obsessed friends have felt a similar sting while traveling with their authentic designer bags or luggage.

Ultimately I’d say that any modern fashionista can opt to buy both authentic and replica bags. In some cases it may make more sense to buy an authentic designer bag while in other scenarios a replica may be a better fit. Either way, the focus is upon fashion and style, and the ultimate point is to be comfortable and happy in what you choose to wear.

Trusted Sources for High-Quality Replica Bags

There are many options when it comes to deciding where you should buy a replica bag from. You can buy replica products through social channels (e.g. social media), and online e-commerce platforms amongst other options.

For example when you google ‘replica bags’ you probably notice that many ecommerce stores pop up which sell varying replica products. In fact there are so many options that it’s hard not to feel a bit overwhelmed and confused as to where you should shop and which seller you should buy from.

If you are unsure as to where you can or should shop for replicas and would like to capitalize on the experience of myself, other blog readers, and online replica oriented communities you can click here to view the Rep Salad’s Trusted Replica Dealers List. This list highlights tried & true sellers for various designer replica products and brands.

Regardless of who you decide to purchase from, there are some important points to keep in mind when it comes to shopping for replicas which I have listed below.

Five Must-Know Tips for Replica Bag Shopping

Before you even consider purchasing your first (or even second, third, fourth, or fifth) replica product, regardless of whether it is a replica bag, replica shoe, or replica watch, you should be aware of the following five tips.

These are very basic points that you (and everyone else who is contemplating buying a replica designer product) should keep in mind in order to avoid being disappointed:

1. Not all replicas are equal

When you think of a fake, knockoff, or replica handbag, watch, shoe etc. you may believe that all are equal in terms of quality and production. I wouldn’t blame you.

The predominant messaging on replicas supports this idea, however anyone who has actually spent time in the replica world shopping knows that it could not be farther from the truth.

The quality of a replica bag is directly related to the factory in which it was made. Some factories make poor replica bags (think about the stereotypical replica bags you would see in a flea market stand). For example this is a low-mid quality replica Kelly bag I purchased which ended up being a ‘shopping lesson’ for me:

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Front
Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Front – I ended up giving this bag away as a donation because the quality was really bad!

Other factories use materials which are equivalent to authentic designer factories, and their end product is considered a ‘super fake’ in that the authentic designer houses find it hard to distinguish between their authentic products and the high quality replicas that these factories produce.

I only buy super fake replicas. I have no interest in carrying a poorly crafted replica and only seek to buy designer replicas that are as close to the real thing as possible.

2. Choose a reputable seller to buy from.

This tip probably seems obvious but I have heard from many people who have made the novice mistake of going with a seller who offers a better deal and presents their quality as top notch only for the buyer to end up burned with either a poor quality bag, or sometimes with nothing at all.

When shopping for replicas make sure that you are buying from a recognized seller who others have vouched for, and have already confirmed the quality of. Read reviews on blogs such as The Rep Salad, and participate in online communities like Reddit’s LuxuryReps to learn from the experience of others as well as their recommendations.

3. Pay attention to the detailing and material quality

If you are buying a replica bag (e.g. a Louis Vuitton Neverfull) make sure that you educate yourself on essential details including:

  • Hardware
  • Logos
  • Quality of materials
  • Stitching

High quality or super fake replicas should very closely mimic their authentic counterparts in terms of craftsmanship, quality of materials, and overall appearance or look.

4. Understand that you are not buying an authentic bag – be realistic.

Don’t forget that replicas are replicas. They are not authentic designer items. As such it is very likely that there will be minor differences even if you are buying high quality replicas or super fakes. Now these minor differences may be very difficult to spot however they will still exist.

For example I have seen some people disappointed that the box or dust bag that comes with their replica bag that they have purchased is not equal to that of the authentic designer house’s box or dust bag. Would I personally get hung up on this point? Nope. Never. I personally only care about the actual replica bag in and of itself. So it is crucial to keep in mind that replicas are not authentic items, and minor differences may exist. It is absolutely essential to have realistic expectations and understand that even the creme de la creme of replicas may not be 100% identical to their authentic counterparts.

authentic vs superfake chanel c19
These are two Chanel C19 bags. Which one do you think is real? Which one do you think is fake? Are both fake? Are both authentic? Well the truth is that the one on the left is authentic, while the one on the right is a replica. Although the bags are basically indistinguishable, it is important to note that one was paid for in a boutique (FULL PRICE) while the other was bought as a replica (superfake; fraction of the price; but it is not authentic).

5. Know the purchase process & seller policies

Before finalizing a purchase, make sure that you take steps to familiarize yourself with the dealer/seller’s payment methods, the shipping process, and exchange/return policy.

In case you receive a designer replica product that doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s very important to know whether you will be able to return or exchange it.

It will also help you make ‘smarter’ choices when shopping since you will have a more realistic understanding as to what your options will be in the event you change your mind post purchase.

Conclusion – The Art of Choosing the Perfect Replica Bag

Replicas have been around since fashion has existed – they go hand in hand because if something is popular enough, many people will want it! As Oscar Wilde once said, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. In the case of replica bags this can be said to ring especially true since top replica manufacturers will seek to truly imitate authentic designer bags as closely as possible.

As discussed above, there are different grades of replica bags (including easy to spot F-A-K-E bags and hard to distinguish super fakes). As a shopper you need to make sure that you know exactly what you are looking for and that you are able to vet the quality of any sellers that you may be interested in shopping with.

If you still want to learn more about specific brands, you can read the following in depth guides:

Hermes Replica Bags – The Ultimate Guide

What Happened to Repladies on Reddit?

repladies subreddit

If you know anything about anything when it comes to shopping for replicas and the popular online forum Reddit then it’s very likely you’ve heard about ‘Repladies’.

I mean awareness of this popular subreddit reached a point where they had articles about their forum published in online publications including the Cut piece titled, “The Rich New York Women Who Love Their Fake Birkins”.

The subreddit was so popular to the point that it had cultivated hundreds of thousands of followers making it one of Reddit’s most popular subreddits.

The subreddit was a (sometimes drama filled) gem of a resource for many since it offered tips and tricks on how to shop for replicas as well as information on trusted sellers, scammers, and really got into the nitty gritty of replica shopping with its quality comparison threads in which shoppers requested feedback on replica pieces that they purchased.

Well a few months ago there was a bit of a shock when many of us logged into Reddit as per usual to get our daily dose of replica on the subreddit and discovered that the subreddit was locked or had gone into ‘private’ mode.

How Repladies Changed the ‘Game’ in Replica Shopping

Repladies wasn’t just another subreddit; it was a comprehensive guide that focused on ensuring that consumers got the best bang for their buck. The forum was brimming with reviews, from first-time buyers sharing their rookie mistakes to seasoned shoppers providing in-depth analyses of their latest purchases. People would post their ‘Finds of the Day,’ sharing direct links and photographs of their most recent hauls. It was a treasure trove of information that practically served as a beginners’ guide to replica shopping.

How Repladies Became a Hot Topic: Media Coverage and Notoriety

The subreddit was such a phenomenon that it even caught the eye of mainstream media. Publications like Elle and The Cut started covering the trends and happenings within the Repladies community. It became a focal point for discussions about the morality and legality of buying replicas, igniting debates that reached beyond Reddit and into broader social discourse.

Why did the Repladies subreddit disappear?

What exactly happened? Well it seems like there was some sort of ‘security’ threat – meaning that the subreddit had to be locked to prevent prying eyes from causing some sort of trouble for the trusted sellers in the subreddit. Yes friend, as you and I know shopping for replicas can be a bit of a precarious endeavor and sometimes replica sellers get in trouble for doing what they do.

What this means for those who were simply silent spectators (myself included since Reddit was a bit too much for me to begin to engage with at the time) is that we can no longer access the forum.

Now as of last check (January 2023), it looks the forum is finally active again however getting in isn’t easy. In fact when you visit the forum’s URL which is you will stumble upon the following note:

repladies subreddit private community

As the picture above shows Repladies has been turned into a ‘private community’. In fact it clearly states, “The subreddit is now private due to safety concerns. We will not be adding any approved users at this time and we will not respond to messages. Thank you.”

Based on discussions circulating around Reddit it is still possible to get invited and enter into the private community but this task is not an easy one. You will have to provide evidence of past activity on the subreddit and essentially ‘prove’ your trustworthiness. See the following conversation on Reddit in which commenters discuss how difficult it is to get into the subreddit even after providing the requisite ‘proof’ as requested by moderators:

reddit comments about repladies
reddit comments about repladies

I have personally given up on trying to get access to the forum but am still hopeful (fingers crossed) that it opens up to the public again someday. As of right now my personal hunch is that the forum essentially became ‘too big’ for its own good, and as a result it became a sort of victim of its own success.

Whether the forum will continue to remain private in the long term remains to be seen but for now you and I are better off looking elsewhere for our replica fix (ahem perhaps you can browse this blog where I share my experiences on shopping for replicas).

SubReddits that are Similar to RepLadies

Subreddits that are similar to Repladies (now more commonly referred to as RIPLadies) include:




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I shopped at – Here’s my Experience Shopping for a Replica Louis Vuitton Bag on their Website

When searching on Google for ‘replica handbags’ you may notice that the website comes up as one of the top results.

Naturally, if you are looking to shop for replica bags, as I was searching to do, you may click the link to their website to check out what they sell.

However one big question looms in your mind (and my mind) as we visit the site. That is: what is the quality like? Are the bags on worth the money or are they simply poor quality fake bags?

Well you can relax because I went ahead and did some shopping on, and can share my shopping experience with you to help you decide whether or not you should shop on their website.

More specifically, I purchased a Louis Vuitton bag from their website and will share what I learned about with you below.

Things I Considered Before Shopping on

There were a few things that I noticed simply from browsing the website of

Website Experience:

Firstly, when I landed upon their homepage I realized that their site was not very elaborate or detailed, and was actually pretty bare bones.

Based on their contact information listed at the bottom of their homepage it looks like their company is (shockingly) based in the United States. In fact lists their contact address as: 4775 Silverdale Rd North Olmsted, OH 44070, USA. This is rather puzzling considering that selling replica handbags is not permitted in the USA.

For me personally the fact that is based in the USA and seems to have a US customer service phone number is a red flag in and of itself. This is because any seasoned replica shopper will tell you that the best replica designer items are actually manufactured and sold overseas – primarily in Asia. It is likely that is not a direct factory or producer of replica designer items (e.g. replica handbags) but instead they are a reseller. This means they may have somehow brought in replica designer items such as replica bags into the USA from overseas and are selling them domestically.

Payment Methods:

You and I both know paying for replica designer items (e.g. replica bags) is not as straightforward as paying for authentic designer items. You usually can’t just simply conduct a transaction using typical payment methods and usually there are more complicated steps involved.

What I found puzzling on is that they accept Paypal as a payment method meaning that you can use your credit card to shop on their website.

Well this is definitely a bonus for us shoppers since we can dispute a charge with Paypal if anything goes wrong.

Product Descriptions

Looking at the product descriptions on the website also led me to raise some questions about deciding whether or not to go through with a purchase on For example if you take a peek at the product description of a Louis Vuitton Neverfull which I have taken a screenshot of below you may notice some curious things.

What stood out to me the most is the fact that the description of the Neverfull replica bag describes the materials used to craft the bag, and states it is, “crafted from fresh Monogram canvas with natural cowhide high-quality synthetic leather trim”. The description indicating that the leather trim on the bag is made from synthetic leather is a red flag that automatically results in alarm bells ringing throughout my mind. This is because we all know that authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags are actually crafted with authentic cowhide leather trimmings.

As a result if you come across a replica seller who is selling a Louis Vuitton replica Neverfull handbag that uses a synthetic leather trim that is a telltale sign that the quality of the replica handbag you are considering purchasing is very poor to say the least. The best replica handbags mimic the authentic materials, and this is no different for Louis Vuitton replica handbags.

Product Price Point

When I saw the prices of the replica products on I thought that they were actually on the lower side, and this was also a yellow flag (which means it was almost a red flag but not quite there because you can luck out and get a good deal at an unbelievable price _sometimes_).

When I remembered that the product descriptions indicated that some of the bags were made with synthetic leather trimmings the lower prices started to make sense – it was becoming more and more clear that is selling subpar replicas – in other words you are not buying the cream of the crop when it comes to replica designer items (e.g. replica handbags) when you decide to shop on their website.

What Happened When I Actually Purchased a Bag from Them

So there were definitely enough red flags to prevent me from shopping from and looking back that would have been the smart move to make to save myself from the hassle of receiving an order and being disappointed.

However since they were offering payment through Paypal I decided to still take the plunge since the personal risk on my part was low.

Want to know how the order turned out? Stay tuned for my review on the Louis Vuitton bag I received from

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Review

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Review
Front shot of a Hermès Kelly bag. Keep in mind this is not a top quality replica bag but you need to know the ‘bad’ in order to be able to shop for the ‘good’ in the world of replicas.

In this article I will be sharing my review of a Hermès Kelly bag (replica version of the designer handbag, not authentic) with you.

Hermès bags are the creme de la creme of the handbag world in that they are one of the most sought after brands, and any serious handbag enthusiast has a good understanding of the brand’s history and prominence in the world of fashion. Similarly, Hermès replica bags are the creme de la creme of the replica world in that top quality replica versions of Hermès bags are also considered to be the jewel of any replica lovers’ collection.

Why did I want to buy a Hermès Kelly replica bag?

Here are some of the main features of the Hermès Kelly bag that really persuaded me to purchase a replica version of one:

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Front

1. It is a Crossbody

One thing I love about the Hermès Kelly handbag is that it is a crossbody bag and not overbearing in any sense. The bag is not only super chic but it is also super functional. I am a lover of crossbody bags (as already mentioned on this site in relation to other bags I have reviewed) so it is more or less predictable that I’d also easily fall in love with a bag that is arguably the ultimate crossbody purse.

2. Timeless Elegance

The Hermès Kelly bag has a classic and sophisticated design that has clearly stood the test of time when it comes to staying in vogue. Like other Hermès bags, the Kelly exudes an aura of timeless elegance and refinement. Additionally the bag can be worn for various occasions (e.g. both everyday events and formal events).

3. Craftsmanship and Quality

Hermès is renowned for its impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each Kelly bag is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans using high-quality materials, such as fine leathers and precious metals. The result is a handbag that is built to last and ages beautifully with proper care. Top quality replica Hermès bags (i.e. super fakes) are also made with the same hand sewn method used by Hermès artisans.

4. Iconic Status

The Hermès Kelly bag has a rich history as it was first introduced in the 1930s and gained worldwide recognition when it became associated with actress and style icon Grace Kelly in the 1950s. Since then, it has become a symbol of luxury, sophistication, and refined taste.

5. Practicality

Despite being a super luxurious handbag, the Hermès Kelly is also designed in a way that makes it very practical when it comes to use. It features a structured silhouette, a spacious interior, and various compartments, allowing for organized storage of personal belongings. It often comes with a detachable shoulder strap (did I mention I love crossbody bags already?), offering versatility in carrying options.

6. Investment Value

The Hermès Kelly bag has shown a remarkable ability to retain or increase its value over time. Due to its limited availability and high demand, certain Hermès bags, including the Kelly, have been known to appreciate in value, making them potential investment pieces. Now this is all fine and dandy if you have $20,000 or more lying around and want to buy the real deal but I will argue that super fake Hermès bags are arguably even a better deal than the original in that you are saving thousands while getting virtually the same end product (in terms of function, looks, and style).

It’s clear that buying a Hermès Kelly bag offers many benefits (either authentic or replica). Now that you have a better sense as to why I decided to take the plunge and buy a Hermès Kelly replica handbag I will delve into the details of the actual bag I purchased and let you know whether I was ultimately disappointed or satisfied.

Is the bag a top quality Hermès Kelly replica?

As I’ve already noted above the bag that I purchased is a replica bag, meaning it is not an authentic version of the bag from an official Hermès store or a second hand reseller. Please also keep in mind while reading this review that this specific bag is not a super fake replica. Although some people may not be able to differentiate between this replica bag and an authentic Hermès Kelly I certainly can since I am an experienced designer fiend and self-dubbed replica expert.

What I mean when I say it is not a super fake Hermès handbag is that it is not a top quality replica bag that can be considered to be almost identical to authentic Hermès handbags. My goal as a replica shopper is to purchase super fake or as-close-to-real as possible replica bags.

Why am I sharing this review? Well I am sharing it for informational & learning purposes. In order to become good at spotting and shopping for replicas you need to see bad ones. Since buying this specific rep I have subsequently purchased many better quality and super fake Hermès bags. Reviews of those bags will also be shared on the blog. You can also read the Ultimate Guide to Shopping for Hermès Replicas.

Price of Hermès Kelly replica bag

The original Hermès Kelly bag in togo leather (28 cm) has an estimated retail price of $28,000 (US dollars) when buying the handbag second hand (based on authentic resale websites I visited online including 1stDibs).

How much did I pay for it as a replica? Well I got it for $750 + shipping.

That is a savings of about 98% off the retail price.

As I have already mentioned, I purchased this bag when I was a newbie to the replica world and as such it is not a super fake. I will go into the details about the bag’s flaws as a non-super fake bag in my discussion below.

Materials of Hermès Kelly replica bag

The material used to make this Hermès Kelly replica handbag is Black Togo leather. Togo leather is one of the most popular leather options when it comes to Hermès bags. Togo leather is a type of calf leather known for its durability, scratch resistance, and natural texture. In terms of its texture Togo leather has a pronounced, natural grain texture. The grain is slightly raised, giving the leather a pebbled appearance. At the same time Togo leather is relatively soft and supple, making it comfortable to touch and hold.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Hardware

Now when it comes to Hermès replica bags, the best replica manufacturers will literally source leather from the same supplier as Hermès (from Europe itself). In this case, since I have seen many authentic Hermès bags and have experience with them, I can tell that the leather is not sourced from the original supplier as it has a slightly different feel. The look is very much on par with authentic Togo leather but there is that little something that is off and makes it less than.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Front Clasp

Hardware of Hermès Kelly replica bag

The key pieces of hardware on a Hermès Kelly handbag include:

Turnlock Closure:

The most prominent hardware feature on the Hermès Kelly bag (whether authentic or replica) is the turnlock closure. It is a signature element of the bag and should be crafted from precious metals such as palladium, gold, or rose gold. The turnlock closure secures the bag’s flap in place, keeping the contents protected.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Lock Key

Lock and Keys:

The turnlock closure on the Hermès Kelly bag is accompanied by a lock and two matching keys. The lock is attached to a leather clochette, which hangs from one of the straps. The keys are used to unlock and secure the lock, adding an additional layer of security to the bag.

Strap Attachments:

The Hermès Kelly bag features metal attachments, known as strap attachments or strap anchors, on each side of the bag. These attachments are used to attach and secure the shoulder strap or the optional crossbody strap. Depending on how you like to carry your bag you can either keep the strap on or remove it.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Strap Stamp


The bottom of the Hermès Kelly bag is often equipped with metal feet. These protective feet help to keep the bag elevated when placed on surfaces, protecting the leather from direct contact and potential damage.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Bottom
Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Feet

Hardware Accents:

Various other hardware accents can be found on the Hermès Kelly bag, such as metal rings, buckles, and grommets. These accents serve both functional and aesthetic purposes, adding to the bag’s design and providing attachment points for straps and handles.

In terms of the replica Kelly that i purchased all the pieces of the hardware are present but the quality is subpar as: (1) the hardware feels light and does not have the heavier feel of authentic Hermès hardware, (2) the hardware is not made from palladium (super fake Hermès bags make their hardware from real palladium, gold, or rose gold just like authentic Hermès bags), (3) the engraving on the hardware (for the Hermès logo) is not done properly. As a result the hardware on this bag is one giveaway that the bag is not a good replica and can be called out as a fake.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Lock Key

Construction of Hermès Kelly replica bag

The shape of an authentic Hermès Kelly bag (or a super fake Kelly) should have certain characteristics that define its iconic silhouette. Here’s a description of the ideal shape of a Hermes Kelly bag:

Structured Silhouette:

A Hermès Kelly bag is known for its structured shape including clean, well-defined lines. Authentic Hermès Kelly bags (or a high quality replica Kelly) should maintain its shape even when empty. The bag should not appear slouchy or excessively saggy.

Trapezoidal Profile:

When viewed from the front, a HermèsKelly bag should have a distinctive trapezoidal shape. This means that the top of the bag, where the flap and handles are located, should be wider than the bottom. The sides of the bag should taper slightly towards the base.


A Hermès Kelly bag should be symmetrical, with all sides and corners evenly balanced. The left and right sides of the bag should be mirror images of each other. The flap of the bag should align perfectly with the body of the bag when it is closed.

Corners that are Rounded:

The corners of a Hermès Kelly bag should be softly rounded, rather than sharp or angular.


Although the proportions of a Hermès Kelly bag will depend on its size and style it can be generally said that the bag’s height should be approximately twice its width. This gives it a balanced and proportionate look.

When it comes to the Hermès Kelly I am reviewing I can spot some asymmetry in terms of the bag’s look and this gives it away to me as a fake. More specifically, both sides of the bag are not ‘mirrors’ of each other and seem slightly imbalanced. This is a clear sign that the bag is not a top quality Hermès replica.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Back
Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Stitching
Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Top Handle
Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Side

Color comparison of Hermès Kelly replica bag

In terms of the color on the bag I can’t complain. I chose the color black purposefully as I knew it is a neutral color that is hard to go wrong with. One tip I often share to those who are new to shopping for replicas is that you should always pick a color that is neutral if you want to dodge any color mismatch ‘bullets’.

Although at the same time I can say that I am aware, in the case of Hermès replicas specifically, that certain manufacturers buy leather from the exact same supplier as the authentic Hermès workshops meaning that you can get an exact color match. However you have to make sure that the factory you are looking to shop with is in fact selling super fake or top quality Hermès replicas.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Accessories

Serial number on Hermès Kelly replica bag

The serial number on a Hermès Kelly bag is typically located on the inner side of the bag (typically on a leather tab or patch). In most Hermès Kelly bags, you can actually find the serial number stamped on the backside of the strap attachment, which is usually located near the top of the bag’s interior.

This replica Hermès Kelly did not come with a serial number. Although I am not a rep shopper that needs a serial number as validation of proof of the quality of the bag (I’ve purchased plenty of bags without a serial number that look perfect otherwise) I will comment that advanced replica manufacturers are able to create custom serial numbers on super fake Hermès bags (in other words top quality Hermès replica handbags). In the case of Hermès, I would suggest that a replica manufacturer’s ability to add and customize a serial number (alongside other features including leather sourced from Europe, a hand constructed bag etc.) is a positive signal about the quality of their work.

Hermes Kelly Replica Bag Interior


Generally when shopping for replica bags it is important to realize that each bag you buy will either be a “lesson” or a “win”. A “win” is when the bag turns out to be almost identical to the original or authentic handbag and you give yourself a pat on the shoulder for a shopping expedition well completed. On the other hand the bag may turn out to be a “lesson” in that you learn (up, close, and personal) about what a less than perfect replica handbag looks like and use the lessons learned to improve your rep shopping prowess in the future.

This specific purchase turned out to be (not surprisingly) a “lesson” for me personally. I did not sulk however when I received the bag and realized the quality was subpar. Instead I used it to study Hermès bags with more detail, and as a result deepened my knowledge of Hermès handbags as a whole. I then used this knowledge to refine my shopping skills when it came to filtering out good/bad Hermès replicas.

Interested in seeing what a better quality Hermès replica looks like? Click here to read the Ultimate Guide to Hermès Replicas.