About Me

If you’re here that means you are likely curious about ‘fakes’ or ‘replicas’. Well I was once a ‘replica newbie’ myself, and found that there is an utter lack of resources in understanding how to judge a replica whether it be a replica bag, replica jewelry, replica shoe, or replica watch.

When it comes to replicas, the savings are tempting and hard to resist (even for those who are affluent). I mean I earn six figures in my day job, and have a fairly comfortable life in which I can dine out, travel, and shop at luxury shops. In fact I even worked as a sales associate in the luxury accessory section of a department store in New York City when I was younger so I can confidently say I have great familiarity with authentic designer items.

In fact my attitude towards fake bags used to simply be the default “eww – not for me”. That was of course until a friend of mine (who is very wealthy) showed me some of the bags her husband was able to get through a friend of his in Asia – these included replica Hermès bags and replica Louis Vuitton bags. Now she has a collection of authentic designer bags as well, however I was absolutely dumbfounded about two things:

  1. That my friend who was otherwise quite materially wealthy was buying fakes – I mean typically fakes are deemed to be ‘tacky’ or ‘crass’ however here was someone who could more than easily afford any designer item she wanted that decided to save money. Why? Because why not save when the end product is so damn close to the original?
  2. That she was proud to show off how close the replica handbags mirrored those in her authentic collection. This demonstrated to me that the stigma typically attached to replica bags is dropping significantly.

Through this reveal made by my friend I realized that I could relax. What I mean by this is that if you are someone who is squeamish about buying replica products simply because of perceived social stigma – go ahead and relax. No need to be so harsh on yourself. Everybody loves a good deal, and it’s more than hard to say no to saving thousands (unless you are a designer puritan of course, in which case kudos to you – carry on and spend on as your heart desires).

I knew that there were more people like myself out there (you perhaps?) who love fashion and design but can’t really justify (either mentally or even financially for some) spending thousands on authentic products from designer houses when we can simply sometimes buy replicas of certain items that look and function the same.

On this blog I will be sharing my exploration of the world of replicas with the replica curious as I know how helpful and useful it is to have an analytical eye guide you when navigating the otherwise very very murky waters of trying to buy a replica bag, replica jewelry, replica shoe, or replica watch online.

I am backed by over twelve years of experience in shopping online and in person for both authentic and replica designer items so I hope you’ll join me on my journey documented throughout this blog. 😉

-Sarah xoxo.

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  1. Tara Guaimano
    September 27, 2023 / 11:58 am

    Hi there!

  2. Madeline
    December 28, 2023 / 12:41 am

    Which of the three trusted sellers offers the best 1:1 mirror of the Louis Vuitton top handle handbags below? Thank you in advance for your feedback:

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