I shopped at Ohmyhandbags.com – Here’s my Experience Shopping for a Replica Louis Vuitton Bag on their Website

When searching on Google for ‘replica handbags’ you may notice that the website Ohmyhandbags.com comes up as one of the top results.

Naturally, if you are looking to shop for replica bags, as I was searching to do, you may click the link to their website to check out what they sell.

However one big question looms in your mind (and my mind) as we visit the site. That is: what is the quality like? Are the bags on Ohmyhandbags.com worth the money or are they simply poor quality fake bags?

Well you can relax because I went ahead and did some shopping on Ohmyhandbags.com, and can share my shopping experience with you to help you decide whether or not you should shop on their website.

More specifically, I purchased a Louis Vuitton bag from their website and will share what I learned about Ohmyhandbags.com with you below.

Things I Considered Before Shopping on Ohmyhandbags.com

There were a few things that I noticed simply from browsing the website of Ohmyhandbags.com.

Website Experience:

Firstly, when I landed upon their homepage I realized that their site was not very elaborate or detailed, and was actually pretty bare bones.

Based on their contact information listed at the bottom of their homepage it looks like their company is (shockingly) based in the United States. In fact Ohmyhandbags.com lists their contact address as: 4775 Silverdale Rd North Olmsted, OH 44070, USA. This is rather puzzling considering that selling replica handbags is not permitted in the USA.

For me personally the fact that Ohmyhandbags.com is based in the USA and seems to have a US customer service phone number is a red flag in and of itself. This is because any seasoned replica shopper will tell you that the best replica designer items are actually manufactured and sold overseas – primarily in Asia. It is likely that Ohmyhandbags.com is not a direct factory or producer of replica designer items (e.g. replica handbags) but instead they are a reseller. This means they may have somehow brought in replica designer items such as replica bags into the USA from overseas and are selling them domestically.

Payment Methods:

You and I both know paying for replica designer items (e.g. replica bags) is not as straightforward as paying for authentic designer items. You usually can’t just simply conduct a transaction using typical payment methods and usually there are more complicated steps involved.

What I found puzzling on Ohmyhandbags.com is that they accept Paypal as a payment method meaning that you can use your credit card to shop on their website.

Well this is definitely a bonus for us shoppers since we can dispute a charge with Paypal if anything goes wrong.

Product Descriptions

Looking at the product descriptions on the website also led me to raise some questions about deciding whether or not to go through with a purchase on Ohmyhandbags.com. For example if you take a peek at the product description of a Louis Vuitton Neverfull which I have taken a screenshot of below you may notice some curious things.

What stood out to me the most is the fact that the description of the Neverfull replica bag describes the materials used to craft the bag, and states it is, “crafted from fresh Monogram canvas with natural cowhide high-quality synthetic leather trim”. The description indicating that the leather trim on the bag is made from synthetic leather is a red flag that automatically results in alarm bells ringing throughout my mind. This is because we all know that authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags are actually crafted with authentic cowhide leather trimmings.

As a result if you come across a replica seller who is selling a Louis Vuitton replica Neverfull handbag that uses a synthetic leather trim that is a telltale sign that the quality of the replica handbag you are considering purchasing is very poor to say the least. The best replica handbags mimic the authentic materials, and this is no different for Louis Vuitton replica handbags.

Product Price Point

When I saw the prices of the replica products on Ohmyhandbags.com I thought that they were actually on the lower side, and this was also a yellow flag (which means it was almost a red flag but not quite there because you can luck out and get a good deal at an unbelievable price _sometimes_).

When I remembered that the product descriptions indicated that some of the bags were made with synthetic leather trimmings the lower prices started to make sense – it was becoming more and more clear that Ohmyhandbags.com is selling subpar replicas – in other words you are not buying the cream of the crop when it comes to replica designer items (e.g. replica handbags) when you decide to shop on their website.

What Happened When I Actually Purchased a Bag from Them

So there were definitely enough red flags to prevent me from shopping from Ohmyhandbags.com and looking back that would have been the smart move to make to save myself from the hassle of receiving an order and being disappointed.

However since they were offering payment through Paypal I decided to still take the plunge since the personal risk on my part was low.

Want to know how the order turned out? Stay tuned for my review on the Louis Vuitton bag I received from Ohmyhandbags.com.