Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Small Review

Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Small Review

In today’s article I will be sharing my review of a Gucci Ophidia Dome shoulder bag in suede (replica version of the designer handbag, not authentic) with you.

Crossbody bags, as you likely already know, are very functional and easy to carry around. They are my personal go-to-bag when I am looking to carry not too little but also not so much.

I love the ease of wearing crossbody bags, and if you are reading this review it is likely that you feel the same way about them (or at least in the realm of being ‘crossbody curious’).

As I’ve already noted above the bag that I purchased is a replica bag, meaning it is not an authentic version of the bag from an official Gucci store or a reseller.

Why do I like this Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag?

There were a couple of features which just completely drew me to this specific Gucci crossbody replica bag:

1. Fabric

The suede fabric looks stunning. You may already know that the usual GG Supreme canvas is one of the most popular materials for Gucci bags, however I love the subtlety of the suede fabric. It feels more refined (to me at least).

2. Stripe Detailing

I love the inlaid Web stripe detail. Specifically, I love the green/red color contrast which stands out beautifully against the brown suede color.

3. Dome Shape

The shoulder bag has a domed shape that recalls vintage designs – this is what the official description of the Ophidia bag says on the Gucci website. I actually believe that the dome shape design is what really makes the bag look as stunning as it does.

4. Vintage Double G

The double G, which is an archival Gucci code, and appears at the top of the bag on a leather tab detail adds to the vintage vibe of the bag.

Now enough of me slobbering over the design of the bag. Let’s get down to the details in order to provide a thorough review on the quality of this Gucci Ophidia Dome Shoulder replica bag.

On the official Gucci website this is the description of their version of the same bag made with the GG Supreme canvas (i.e. the non-suede version of the bag pictured below):

Front of Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Small

Product Details:

  • Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas, with brown leather trim
  • Green and red Web
  • Gold-toned hardware
  • Double G
  • Zipper pullers with Double G charms
  • Interior open pocket and smartphone pockets
  • Adjustable shoulder strap with 44cm drop. Can be used as cross-body strap.
  • Zipper closure
  • Weight .39kg approximately
  • Small size: W23.5cm x H19cm x D8cm
  • Made in Italy
  • The model is 179cm tall
  • Silk lining

Now let’s use this information to compare these details to that of the replica version of the bag I purchased (notwithstanding the fact that the bag I am comparing the replica to is not made of suede).

What was the price of the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag?

The original Gucci Ophidia Dome shoulder bag in suede had an estimated retail price of $1,750.

How much did I pay for it as a replica? Well I got it for $250 + shipping.

That is a savings of about 85% off the retail price.

Keep in mind that this suede bag is not currently being produced by Gucci any longer so the bag can no longer be found in authentic outlets unless you are purchasing a second hand bag (which could very well be a fake or replica version of the bag if you are not careful).

Based on my review, I could see that lightly used versions of the authentic bag were selling for just a little less than their retail price due to the low availability of this particular model.

Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Dust Bag

What materials are the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag made of?

The materials used to make this Gucci Ophidia Dome shoulder replica bag include: suede brown leather, black patent leather (for the handle, trimmings, bottom of the bag, and the tab at the front the bag where the double G is located).

The inside of the replica bag has a satin blue interior that matches the authentic version of the bag. After feeling the satin material inside of the bag, I’d say it’s kind of cheap and not the quality of satin that you’d expect on an authentic Gucci bag which is super silky smooth. The material of the interior of this replica bag has more of a polyester type cheap feeling than something more luxurious you’d expect from a bag made to authentic Gucci’s standards.

The patent leather does not seem very high quality, and seems a bit plastic-y to me. The authentic version of the Gucci bag had a patent leather that has more defined texture/grains so that is one thing that certainly throws me off when I take a very in depth look at this replica Gucci bag.

Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Interior Logo

What is the quality of the hardware on the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag?

The key pieces of hardware on the bag are the: double G logo at the front of the bag where the tab is located, the zipper pull, and the two oval rings which connect the bag strap to the bag itself.

The hardware of the bag is gold-toned just like the original.

The hardware’s weight is a bit lighter than what you’d expect on an authentic Gucci bag

Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede Hardware on Bag

In terms of weight I’d have to say that the weight of the hardware is a bit lighter than the original.

Any seasoned replica shopper would know that this is one of the key things that you should pay attention to to determine how good of a replica bag you have purchased. The weight of the hardware on a high quality replica bag will be as heavy as the original. Good replica bag manufacturers pay attention to the smallest of details and know that discerning replica shoppers want a bag that is as close to the original as possible.

I mean sometimes you will have a really good replica bag with hardware weight that varies slightly from that of the original (meaning it may be a bit heavier or lighter compared to its authentic counterpart) however a bag that is otherwise well made but skimps out on the hardware shows you that they did not produce a top quality replica product.

The shape of the hardware on the fake Gucci bag is thicker in terms of width

The shape of the hardware (primarily the double G at the front of the bag) is very off. TColhis is because the double G hardware on the replica bag is a lot thicker than the hardware on the authentic version of the same bag. This is another sign that the bag is not a top quality replica bag because the manufacturer should have taken the logo’s thickness into account when recreating it. High quality replica bags contain hardware which is essentially indistinguishable from that of their authentic counterpart.

Bag Construction of the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag

In terms of sewing, and the bag’s general construction from a craftsmanship point of view, I’d say I am very pleased with it. The sewing has been done perfectly and there is nothing that sticks out about the replica bag in that regard – the sewing gets a 10/10 for me. Too bad the other features don’t quite match up to the level and quality of the sewing/bag construction.

Bottom of Gucci Ophidia Dome Replica Shoulder Bag Suede

Color Comparison between the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag and an authentic bag

Colour-wise based on my comparison it appears that the replica bag’s brown suede is a little bit darker than the replica Gucci bag which I purchased.

Aside from the suede all the other colors seem to align well with that of the authentic version of this replica bag.

Serial Number on the Gucci Ophidia Dome replica shoulder bag

Serial numbers are iffy when it comes to replica bags. Some manufacturers add them in while others don’t. In this case the replica Gucci bag does have a serial number on the inside of the bag which is located directly under the Gucci logo tab which is sewn on this inside of the bag. The serial number seems to follow Gucci’s original numbering so it seem fairly legit.

However if you are buying a replica I personally believe there is no need to fuss over a serial number unless you want to pass off the bag as authentic, or resell it as authentic which is morally questionable to say the least.

Conclusion – to buy or not to buy this Gucci replica bag?

Is this bag the best replica Gucci bag, or one of the best replica bags I have generally ever purchased? Point blank: no.

There are a lot of issues with the bag, the primary one’s relating to the quality of its hardware and the patent leather used for the trimmings of the bag.

In fact this bag is a good example of how designer replica bag manufacturers can get a lot of things right when it comes to remaking particular designer bags but then they also get a few details wrong and that just ruins the overall quality of the bag.

Would your average Joe or Jane be able to tell the bag is fake while you wear it out on the street? I’d say likely no, but anyone with a bit more of a trained eye may notice the hardware’s flaws.

I personally will not be wearing the bag, and will donate it. This is because I am only interested in purchasing designer replica bag (including Gucci replica bags) which are perfectly constructed – by perfect I do not mean 100% accuracy but at least 95% accuracy. I’d put this Gucci replica bag in the 80% accuracy range meaning it does not hit the quality level I personally like to see when it comes to replica bags.

A novice replica shopper may think the bag is great (as its general construction is not bad) however someone like me (who has a LOT of experience shopping for replica products whether it be replica bags, replica shoes, or replica watches) is not very impressed.

What do you think of the bag based on my review? Sound off in the comments below.

Can Fake or Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags Patina?

Replica Louis Vuitton Bags - Can it Patina?
Replica Louis Vuitton Bags – Can it Patina?

One of the most commonly asked questions by those who are contemplating purchasing a replica Louis Vuitton bag is whether or not they can expect their replica handbag to patina like authentic Louis Vuitton bags?

Well the answer to this question is not a straightforward yes or no. The most appropriate answer is: maybe.

And the reason why the answer is maybe is because it largely depends on whether or not you have purchased a good quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag or if you have purchased a cheap quality Louis Vuitton replica bag.

Now before we get to discussing the qualities or grades of Louis Vuitton replica bags in depth, let’s do a little bit more digging into what exactly a ‘patina’ is.

What is a patina on a Louis Vuitton bag?

Louis Vuitton patina stages - light, medium, full
The stages of patination on a Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbag.

The word ‘patina’ is used to describe a process in which the leather on a Louis Vuitton handbag (also referred to as the vachetta) darkens as it ages.

Louis Vuitton handbag handles, and trimmings are made with untreated cowhide leather that has a very light look. These handles, and trimmings darken through this organic process known as ‘patina’. A patina is the result of oxidation over time through regular use of the bag and its exposure to the natural elements (e.g. light).

The patina process is completely natural and a process that you can look forward to as a new owner of a Louis Vuitton handbag. It gives Louis Vuitton handbags a character that conveys to others that the bag is not fresh off the shelf but instead has been ‘around the block’ a few times at least.

How can you speed up or slow down the patina process on a authentic replica Louis Vuitton handbag?

Depending on your aesthetic preference, you may be eager to either speed up the patina process on your newly acquired Louis Vuitton handbag (regardless of whether it is authentic or replica).

If you are a fan of the ‘aged’ Louis Vuitton bag look then you can use some tried and true tricks to get your bag’s leather details darker. This includes using olive oil to condition the leather, and then setting out your bag in the sun for a short while to facilitate the oxidation process.

That’s right – basically set your bag out in the sun and give it the chance to tan. Perhaps you can even make a beach date where both you & your bag have the opportunity to soak up some rays while letting nature do its thing!

On the other hand if you are a fan of the ‘off the shelf’ Louis Vuitton handbag look then you can delay the patina of the vachetta on your Louis Vuitton bag by limiting exposure of your bag to the natural elements. This means that you will need to take steps to protect the leather on the bag.

What kinds of replica Louis Vuitton bags will patina?

Let’s get back to our earlier discussion about the different qualities of Louis Vuitton replicas… whether or not your Louis Vuitton replica handbag will patina is dependent on what the quality of the replica bag you have purchased is. This means that if you have purchased a good or top quality replica Louis Vuitton bag then it should actually patina just like authentic Louis Vuitton handbags.

This is because top quality replica Louis Vuitton bags will be made with authentic leather detailing which is equivalent to the quality of materials used by Louis Vuitton to manufacture their authentic handbags.

If you have purchased a Louis Vuitton replica bag and you notice that it is not darkening as time goes by, and after it is exposed to the elements (particularly the sun) then it is certain that you have actually NOT purchased a high quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag and that the leather detailing on your replica bag is not made from genuine leather.

When you are shopping for a replica Louis Vuitton bag make sure that you check out the details of the product listings, or verify with the seller or manufacturer that the bag’s detailing is made from authentic cowhide leather or vachetta.

Now one interesting fact about Louis Vuitton specifically is that their most iconic bags (those in the Monogram Canvas, Damier Ebene, and Damier Azur collections) are all primarily made from canvas material (that is the material used for the body of the bag and which contains the printed design). This means that the bag is mostly made of a non-leather material since canvas is made from a mixture of cotton and linen in addition to a layer of cotton canvas. This actually makes Louis Vuitton a great pick for a designer bag for those who are eco-conscious or wary of animal rights and are seeking to minimize their purchase of leather goods.

Generally speaking, ensuring that you purchase a replica Louis Vuitton bag with authentic leather handles, and trimmings will ensure that your replica handbag actually does patina. There is a common misconception amongst replica bag newbies or authentic puritans that replica Louis Vuitton handbags cannot patina for whatever reason. However this is false – replica handbags can patina, and a good replica Louis Vuitton bag will and should patina.


The patina process of a Louis Vuitton handbag is a natural and organic process. In fact any authentic or high quality replica Louis Vuitton bag should patina. Regardless of whether or not you are a fan of the patinated look, the process is inevitable and it will be hard to avoid the process (although as discussed above it is possible to slow it down).