Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag Review

Hermes Birkin replica bag
My Hermes Birkin 30 replica bag which is just plain B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

The Hermès Birkin bag is the epitome of luxury and craftsmanship in the fashion world. Coveted by celebrities, royalty, and fashion enthusiasts alike, it represents a status symbol that merges exclusivity with timeless elegance. As such, it’s safe to say that Hermès bags are similarly representative of the creme de la creme of the replica world when it comes to super fakes and/or the best quality replica bags.

Authentic Hermès bags are handcrafted by skilled artisans in France, each Birkin bag is a masterpiece that demands numerous hours to construct. Its scarcity is one of its hallmarks; acquiring a Birkin requires either a long waiting list, connections, or substantial premium prices at resale. This is one reason why replica Hermès bags are becoming so popular. People don’t want to wait for an opportunity to purchase one from the boutique; instead they want to buy a Hermès bag on demand.

Like authentic Hermès bags, top quality or super fake Hermès replica bags are also handcrafted by artisans who are very experienced. Dive into the review of my Birkin 30 replica bag below to learn more!

What is the history of the Hermès Birkin Bag?

The bag, named after British actress Jane Birkin, stands out for its impeccable quality, distinguished design, and the aura of prestige it bestows upon its bearer. It has become an enduring icon of Hermès, intertwining luxury with functional sophistication, and is often considered an investment piece, as its value tends to appreciate over time, transcending mere fashion to embody a broader cultural significance.

Where I Purchased my Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag

You must do your research when shopping for a replica bag regardless of what brand or design you are looking for. I have complied a Trusted Sellers list for those who are shopping for replica bags. The list has been compiled based on my personal shopping experiences as well as the experiences of my friends, and blog readers who have reached out (as well as the wider web).

I purchased my replica Hermès Birkin 30 bag from Hermès Heaven. They are on the Trusted Sellers list, and I have purchased 3 bags (and counting) from them so far. They only make hand made Hermès replicas which is the standard for bags that mirror their authentic counterparts. I paid $1,600 for my Birkin 30 with shipping included. As I have previously stated on this blog, I only buy authentic quality replica bags so I am ready to pony up the big bucks when I shop for reps! I dealt with Hannah who was very sweet and responsive. The order process was a custom order process where I had to provide the exact specifications of the bag I wanted.

Birkin replica bag with packaging
Birkin replica bag with packaging
Side of Birkin replica bag
Side of Birkin replica bag

Pros and Cons: A Thorough Review of my Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag

Here are some pros of the Hermès Birkin 30 replica bag I purchased:

Investment Value

A top quality Hermès replica bag will, similar to its authentic counterparts, maintain its value. It is a timeless design so you can rest assured you are making a smart purchase. Furthermore, you are often saving over 90% of the authentic price by buying a super fake.


Authentic Hermès bags are renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship. A Hermès Birkin replica bag that is hand sewn (like mine) mirrors this quality of craftsmanship and I can expect the bag to last for the same amount of years as the authentic depending on how well I maintain it.

Timeless Elegance

I don’t need to worry about the bag going out of style EVER!

Bypass the Exclusivity

An authentic Birkin bag is hard to get. You often have to spend thousands on smaller accessories before you are offered the chance to buy a Birkin bag. Buying a super fake or top quality replica version of the bag allowed me to bypass the ‘theatrics’ of this process and get exactly what I wanted – in the exact color/hardware combination.

And now here are some cons of the bag:

Wait Time

Since the replica bag I ordered was handmade it took 30 days to be made. If you are looking to quickly order an in stock bag this may be inconvenient.


Although the bag is a replica bag it is still pricey. You need to be prepared to spend $$ if you want to buy the best quality when it comes to Hermès replica bags.


Despite its size, the Birkin 30 may not be the most practical bag for every occasion due to its structured shape and weight.

Bag’s Materials: What is my Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag Made Out Of?


My Hermès Birkin 30 is made of Togo leather. Togo leather is recognized for its fine grain and durability, and is a popular choice for the iconic Birkin bag. Sourced from calf, Togo leather is also known for its smooth feel and semi-matte appearance. It is scratch-resistant and capable of maintaining its shape over time, making it a practical yet luxurious choice.

I primarily picked it because it was a practical choice, and I did not want to stress about ruining the bag when I carried it out.

Hermes Replica Bag Interior
Hermes Replica Bag Interior


I chose palladium hardware because I love white gold jewelry and thought it would be super fun to wear the bag while accessorizing with my Cartier love bracelets (which are white gold).

Here is a chart that points out the differences between Hermès Birkin hardware types:

Hardware TypeColorFinishNotable Characteristics
Gold HardwareGoldShinyClassic, luxurious, warm
Palladium HardwareSilverShinyModern, cool tone
Brushed Gold HardwareGoldMatteSubtle, less reflective
Brushed Palladium HardwareSilverMatteUnderstated, contemporary
Diamond-Encrusted HardwareGold/SilverShinyOpulent, adorned with diamonds
Rose Gold HardwareRose GoldShiny/MatteContemporary, warm, unique
Black HardwareBlackVariesEdgy, modern, monochromatic
Perma-brass HardwareLight GoldSemi-shinyAntiqued, subtle

Keep in mind that this chart provides a general overview of Hermès Birkin hardware types, but it’s crucial to note that availability of specific hardware types may vary and can be influenced by the bag’s model, size, and year of production. Some hardware types may be associated with limited editions or specific leather types.

Hermes Replica Bag Tag and Key
Hermes Replica Bag Tag and Key
Bottom of my Birkin replica bag.
Bottom of my Birkin replica bag.

Quality: How to Pick out a Top Quality Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag

Look at the Stitching

They’ve done really well in the stitching department which I was hoping for for this bag since it has contrast stitching. Anything less than great would be pretty obvious, and I think that the stitching mirrors that of an authentic bag. When I first got the pre-shipment photos I was a little worried because the stitching looked a bit off however when I received it in person and inspected it it was perfect. I’m not sure if this discrepancy was because the pre-shipment pictures were so close as to really focus upon minute imperfections.

Hermes Birkin Replica Bag Stitching
Hermes Birkin Replica Bag Stitching

Look at the Glazing

Glazing on a Hermès Birkin bag involves meticulously applying a specialized paint along the leather edges, ensuring aesthetic refinement and durability. This process, crucial in luxury handbag creation, prevents wear and fraying, maintaining the item’s renowned longevity and quality. The applied edge coat, which can be matching or contrasting, exemplifies the detailed craftsmanship and attention Hermès devotes to each piece.

The glazing on my replica bag was done neatly and even throughout. No missed spots or bulky patches anywhere on the bag as expected.

Hermes Replica Bag Interior
Hermes Replica Bag Interior

Look at the Hardware

The hardware on a Hermès Birkin bag is crafted from palladium or gold-plated. The hardware on my bag is pristine and the turn lock is very smooth.

Hermes Replica Bag Hardware
Hermes Replica Bag Hardware

Look at the Packaging

Authentic Hermes boxes have a leather-y feel to it and is sturdier than what I received with my replica bag. This is not very concerning to me when I buy replica bags though – I don’t really care if the packaging is perfect because it is an insignificant accessory to the actual bag. All I care is that the packaging helps transport the bag safely to me.

Hermes Replica Bag Packaging
Hermes Replica Bag Packaging

Price Guide: How Much Should You Expect to Pay for the Best Hermès Birkin Replica Bags

Creating an accurate price chart for Birkin bags can be challenging due to their limited availability, varying prices across different markets, and fluctuations in secondary markets like auctions or resellers. Hermès doesn’t publish an official price list, and prices can also change due to factors like materials, hardware, and the craftsman’s time. However, below is a chart providing a general idea of bag prices based on available information as of January 2022.

SizeApproximate Price Range (USD)Replica Price Range (Super Fake or Top Quality Handmade Replica)
Birkin 25$9,000 to $12,000+$1,300+
Birkin 30$10,000 to $13,000+$1,300+
Birkin 35$11,000 to $15,000+$1,400+
Birkin 40$13,000 to $20,000+$1,500+
Birkin 50 (Travel)Rare, price can greatly vary$1,600+

Please keep in mind that prices for special editions, exotic leathers, and bags with unique hardware (such as diamond-encrusted elements) can be significantly higher, reaching upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. In auctions, particularly rare or sought-after Birkin bags are known to even fetch prices well over a million dollars.

Remember that the actual price you might pay through a reseller or at auction can be much higher due to demand, rarity, and other factors. Always consult a reliable source or expert when seeking current pricing and availability for these iconic handbags if you are looking to buy an authentic Hermès Birkin bag.

Size Guide: What Does a Birkin 30 bag fit?

Side by Side of my Birkin replica bag with my Givenchy Antigona bag.
Side by Side of my Birkin replica bag with my authentic Givenchy Antigona bag.

I’ve included some comparison pics of my Birkin 30 bag with my small Givenchy Antigona bag (which is authentic) so you can easily reference its size visually. I know that some of you may be wondering about the size of a Birkin 30 bag and if you don’t have one it’s not easy to try them on to determine whether or not the size will be right for you. You can also refer to this size chart below comparing Birkin bag sizes:

SizeWidth (cm)Height (cm)Depth (cm)Usage
Birkin 25251913Day to evening use
Birkin 30302216Everyday use
Birkin 35352518Everyday use, travel
Birkin 40403021Travel, business use
Birkin 50 (Travel)504025Travel (larger belongings)

Please note: This chart offers a generalized guideline. Birkin bags are renowned for their meticulous craftsmanship, and dimensions can potentially have slight variations.

Side view - Hermes Birkin 30 Replica Bag vs Givenchy Antigona Bag
Side view – Hermes Birkin 30 Replica Bag vs Givenchy Antigona Authentic Bag

Final Thoughts: Was it Worth Buying a Hermès Birkin 30 Replica Bag?

ln the world of designer bags there is no doubt that the Birkin is a the top of the handbag “food chain”. Similarly, in the world of replica bags a super fake Birkin is at the top of the replica “food chain”. I am very happy with my purchase of this Birkin 30 replica bag. I am so happy I picked the 30 cm size since provides ample space for essentials without becoming cumbersome, and maintains a sleek and sophisticated silhouette. I am also very very happy I went with Togo leather since it is known for being sturdy and retaining its shape (even with regular use). I think that the texture of the leather (which is semi-matte) look luxe in a subtle way and does not look overly ostentatious so I can pretty much rock the bag on a casual shopping trip and equally on a girl’s night out.

This bag is one the BEST Hermès replicas I have ever purchased (I really really mean this), and I would 100% recommend it to anyone who is thinking of buying a replica Birkin. Although it was a pricey replica bag (costing the same as many authentic Louis Vuitton bags) I am over the moon with the quality to value ratio. I know that the craftsmanship alone makes the bag worth the price I paid (irrespective of the fact that it is stamped with the Hermès logo). I did a little internet sleuthing and the authentic counterpart of my bag is going for around $29,000 USD on resale sites like Sothebys (click here to see for yourself) so I basically feel like I got my bag for free at 5.50% of the price of the authentic (if you know you know what I mean by this)!

If you are unsure whether you want to buy a Birkin or a different model of a Hermès bag make sure to read the Ultimate Shopping Guide for Hermès replica bags as it contains many nuggets of wisdom when it comes to shopping for Hermès rep bags.

Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag Review (Caviar Pearl Green)

Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag
Front of my Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag (in Caviar Pearl Green)

Coco Chanel once said, “fashion fades, only style remains the same”. In the case of Chanel replica bags this quote is 100% accurate.

Now we all know that replica shoppers (like you and I) are on the hunt for the best Chanel replicas. And in the occasional instance where we shop and score a bag that is almost perfect (a.k.a this specific Chanel Double Flap Medium Bag in Caviar Pearl Green which I will be reviewing) you gloat in glory… well at least that is what I have been doing.

In this review, we delve into the intricate details of this iconic piece and explain why it’s worth every penny.

Design and Aesthetics

Before we get to the specifics of the bag I ordered let’s talk about the design and aesthetics of the Double Flap Bag. It is safe to say that the Chanel Double Flap Medium Bag, sculpted in signature caviar leather, stands as an emblem of structured elegance and timeless design. These are some of the Double Flap Bag’s defining characteristics:


Its shape, characterized by clean lines and a well-defined rectangular silhouette, maintains a balance of formality and charm.


This medium-sized bag has a pebbled texture (which stems from the fact it is constructed with caviar leather). Caviar leather is known for being both durable and tactile.

Double Flap Design

The bag’s hallmark double flap design further accentuates its structured build, creating layers of security and aesthetic depth, crowned with the famed CC logo turn-lock closure.


The brand’s signature quilted stitching enhances its defined shape, offering plushness against the rigidity of its form. Delicate details, such as either gold or silver hardware, juxtapose beautifully with its sturdy shape.


Interwoven leather and chain strap, a classic Chanel feature, allowing for shoulder or crossbody wear.

All of these elements come together to manifest a piece that truly captures Chanel’s blend of tradition, modern luxury, and structured design.


The Medium Flap Bag has the following dimensions:


Approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm)


Approximately 6.3 inches (16 cm)


Approximately 2.8 inches (7 cm)

Strap Drop:

Varies, but usually around 17.5 inches (44.5 cm) for double chain and longer for single chain.

chanel replica bag - caviar
Full Shot of my Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag (in Caviar Pearl Green)
caviar leather chanel replica bag
Another Shot of my Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag (Caviar Green)

Judging the Quality of the Replica Bag

Craftsmanship and material

This replica bag is very well-constructed, and the craftsmanship is top tier. It looks and feels luxurious. The leather is gorgeous and has a pearly sheen to it. The leather does not have any weird smell (that can sometimes be associated with replica bags). The bag’s flaps are soft and not stiff to handle at all. I was surprised to see how malleable they are since many people who buy replica Chanel bags complain about the flaps being stiff.

Double C Flap (CC)

Authentic CC logos have an overlap: the right ‘C’ goes over the left ‘C’ at the top and under it at the bottom. The logo should be centered and symmetrically placed, without any discrepancies in font or size.

Examine the stitching: it should be precise, consistent, and the color should match the bag’s interior. Furthermore, the texture and feel of the logo embossing should match the bag’s material, be it caviar leather, lambskin, or another variant.

You can see in the photos below that the replica bag matches these requirements perfectly:

inside chanel replica bag
Inside my beautiful Chanel replica bag
Interior logo on Chanel replica bag
Interior logo on Chanel replica bag

Back Pocket

Checking whether the back pocket of a Chanel Flap Replica Bag is same as the authentic is a nuanced task. The back pocket is known as the “Mona Lisa smile” pocket due to its slight curve, and it should exhibit a uniform and smooth arch. You should pay attention to the following when buying a replica bag to ensure it is a top tier replica bag:

  • Examine the stitching on the pocket, ensuring that it is even, tight, and perfectly aligned with the bag’s quilting pattern.
  • The pocket’s placement should be symmetrical, positioned centrally in relation to the bag’s sides and bottom. The pocket’s width should almost match the width of the bag, with only slight gaps on the sides.
  • The pocket’s depth should be functional but not overly deep.

The replica bag I purchased met this criteria as pictured below:

back of chanel replica bag
Back of my Chanel replica bag


The bag’s square are very puffy which is a pleasant surprise. Often people who buy replica bags complain that the quilting or stiches are done in a way which leaves the bag a bit more flap than authentic Chanel bags. In terms of stitching, I cannot spot any difference from authentic Chanel bags. The stitch count on each square also lines up with that of authentic bags (at least 9 per square). You can see these details on the bag I purchased in this pic:

hardware chain chanel replica bag
Close up of the Hardware/Chain on my Chanel Replica Bag

Hardware and Chain

The bag’s hardware is also very well-crafted and the color looks exactly like the real thing (light gold hardware). The chains on the bag are heavy and are well made. They do not get easily tangled either.

Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag
Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag

Pros of this Chanel Replica Flap Bag

Durability and Texture of Caviar Leather

I picked Caviar leather because it is renowned for its resilience against daily wear and tear. With its pebbled texture, not only does it mask minor imperfections but it also ensures longevity – making your bag look new for years to come.

The Iconic Double Flap Feature

The bag’s double flap design provides both security and organization. The inner flap often serves as a hidden pocket, while the main compartment is spacious enough for your essentials. I picked the medium size as I did not want a bag that was too big, and instead wanted a bag that I could take out with me during a trip to the city, evening out at a restaurant, party etc.

Signature Turn-Lock Closure

A seamless blend of style and utility, the turn-lock closure is an emblem of Chanel’s attention to detail, ensuring your belongings are safe while also acting as a striking design element.

Unique Color

The Pearl Green shade offers a fresh twist to the classic Chanel bag. It’s both versatile and distinct, allowing for a broad range of styling options. Although we all know that there are ‘safe’ colors when it comes to shopping (i.e. neutrals such as white, black, or some variation of cream or beige) I really wanted a pop of color and as soon as I laid my eyes on this Chanel bag I knew it was exactly what I was looking for!

dustbag chanel replica bag
Dust bag and Accessories that Came with the Chanel Replica Bag

Cons of this Chanel Replica Flap Bag


Due to its double flap design and quality materials, the bag can feel relatively heavy even when empty.


Although the caviar leather is durable, maintaining its shine and pristine condition may require regular care and occasional professional servicing.

Size Limitations

While it’s medium-sized, it may not be large enough for those who prefer to carry a lot with them. It’s essential to consider how much you typically carry daily.

best chanel replica bag
One of the best Chanel replica bags I have ever purchased!

Price and Investment Value

The Chanel Medium Double Flap Bag commands a premium price and is around $6,800 USD for an authentic version of the model in the US (as of September 2021). The authentic version of the bag is definitely an investment.

The replica bag I purchased cost $570 + free shipping. I believe that the price of the replica bag is reflective of the fact that is is a premium replica, however as I have mentioned many times on the blog I am only interested in purchasing super fake or top tier replica bags and am willing to put for the money required to do so. I purchased my bag from SOC.

stitching closeup chanel replica bag
Closeup shot of the stitching on my Chanel replica bag.

Personal Experience/Testimonial

I love the bag. It is such a fun Chanel bag, and every time I get to wear it I feel *ecstatic*. One specific fact I love about the bag is that it can be paired with jeans and a tee or an elegant evening gown & it will always elevate any outfit. Its versatile pearl green shade makes it a standout in both casual and formal settings. Although I usually err on the side of neutrals this bag is extra special to me because of the vibrant color.

Although I have not had the bag for long I have already worn the bag out to a casual brunch with friends, two formal events, and simply on some days where I wanted to feel special. Each and every time the Chanel Medium Double Flap was right by my side, complementing every outfit and occasion. This bag is one of my favorite replica pieces I have purchased thus far.

Side of my Chanel replica bag
Side of my Chanel replica bag
Bottom of my Chanel replica bag
Bottom of my Chanel replica bag

Chanel Flap Bag Size Chart

The bag I bought is a medium/large flap bag. You can compare it’s size to other bags below:

Bag SizeApproximate Width (inches)Approximate Height (inches)Approximate Depth (inches)
Mini Rectangle Flap7.94.92.8
Mini Square Flap6.75.33.1
Small Flap9.35.72.6
Medium/Large Flap106.32.8
Jumbo Flap11.87.73.9
Maxi Flap13.49.13.9


Is the strap adjustable?

The intertwined leather-chain strap is not traditionally adjustable, but it can be worn double for a shorter length or single for a longer drop.

Can it fit an iPad or tablet?

The Medium Double Flap may not comfortably fit larger tablets, but it should accommodate smaller ones or e-readers.

How do I care for and maintain my bag?

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or heat. Store in its dust bag when not in use, and consider periodic professional cleaning to maintain its luster.

Is the bag available in other materials besides caviar leather?

Yes, Chanel often releases the Double Flap in various materials, including lambskin, patent leather, tweed, and more.

Chains of my Chanel replica bag
Chains of my Chanel replica bag
Top view of my Chanel replica bag
Top view of my Chanel replica bag

Final Thoughts: Is the Chanel Double Flap Medium Replica Bag in Caviar Pearl Green Worth It?

I am very pleased with this replica purchase. I believe that I have made a sound replica investment, and will get many years out of this bag. I am impressed with its precision and accuracy. I feel like I am embracing a piece of art every time I wear it which is a testament to timeless elegance, and a statement of sophisticated style. The bag is 100% worth it and I would recommend it to anyone who has their eye on shopping for a Chanel replica bag.

If you are interested in reading about a comparison between an authentic Chanel bag and a replica bag click here to read my recent review.

Hermès Constance 18 Replica Bag Review (Epsom Black with Gold Hardware)

Hermès Constance 18 Replica Bag review
Front of the Hermes Constance 18 Replica Bag (with protective packaging).

When it comes to luxury bags, you and I both know that few names resonate as deeply as Hermès. In the replica world Hermès bags also hold high prestige and hunting (and scoring) a good bag is akin to finding a canary in a coal mine.

The bag I purchased this time is the Constance 18 in Epsom Black with Gold Hardware. It is a lovely bag that showcases Hermès’ exceptional quality and timeless elegance.

In this review, I’ll delve into every aspect of this must-have fashion staple, providing insights that will help you decide whether this bag is the perfect match for you.

Spoiler alert: I am over the moon in love with everything about this bag!

Overview of Hermès as a Brand

Founded in 1837, Hermès has a longstanding reputation for crafting unparalleled luxury goods. Originally a harness workshop, the brand has expanded its expertise into leatherwork, producing iconic bags like the Birkin, Kelly, and the Constance, which I will be reviewing today. The emphasis has always been on quality, making any Hermès product a prized possession.

Design and Aesthetics

The Hermès Constance 18 in Epsom Black exudes sophistication. With its sleek black Epsom leather and golden hardware, it’s a versatile piece that goes well with almost any outfit.

back of hermes constance replica bag
Back of the Hermes Constance 18 Replica Bag.
inside hermes constance replica bag
Interior of the Hermes Constance 18 replica bag.

The Epsom leather has a finely-grained texture that complements the shiny gold hardware perfectly.

The bag’s flap design and Hermès’ iconic ‘H’ clasp make it instantly recognizable, adding a touch of elegance to your ensemble.

Silhouette of the Bag

The Hermès Constance 18 bag boasts an unmistakable, classic silhouette that has captivated fashion enthusiasts for decades. The bag’s construction is rectangular, but there’s a rounded softness to its edges, evoking a sense of understated elegance. Measuring 18 cm in width, hence its name, the Constance 18 is the epitome of compact luxury. It’s neither too large to become cumbersome nor too small to be impractical; it strikes a perfect balance.

Flap Closure

The flap closure is secured with Hermès’ iconic “H” clasp, a masterpiece of design and functionality, which provides an extra layer of security while adding a distinct design element.

hardware on hermes replica constance bag
A view of the logo stamp that is on the clasp (located on the flap of the bag).


Stitching plays a vital role in the bag’s structure. The seams are impeccably done, with neat, tight stitching that lies flush against the leather, reinforcing the bag’s structure while also enhancing its visual appeal. The corners of the bag are crisp, clean, and geometrically precise. There’s no awkward bulging or sagging; the bag’s construction ensures it stands as a proud rectangle whether it’s full or empty.

stitching on hermes constance replica bag
Top of the bag. You can see the detail in stitching.

Craftsmanship and Material

Quality is where this replica bag really shines. As I have discussed in the Ultimate Guide to Buying Hermès Replica Bags, there are two types of Hermès replica bags: machine made and hand made. Hand made is superior as it is the method that authentic Hermès workshops use to make the iconic bags. The replica bag I purchased is hand made making it a premium replica bag (or super fake).

From the neatly stitched seams to the impeccable finish, the craftsmanship on this bag is nothing short of extraordinary. There wasn’t a single loose thread or misplaced stitch. Everything has been done meticulously.

The leather is also very luxe and only had a minor scent, which dissipated within a day, a reassuring sign of the bag’s authenticity and quality. The bag even came with the strap neatly tied up, which straightened out beautifully after a couple of days of hanging.

accessories hermes replica bag
Accessories that came with the bag.
hermes replica box packaging
This is the packaging the replica bag came in.
hermes box real vs fake
Comparing the box that came with the replica bag (right one) to an authentic box I had in my closet (left one).
serial number replica hermes bag
Serial number stamped inside the replica bag.

Practicality and Functionality

Despite its compact appearance, the Constance 18 offers a surprisingly spacious interior, perfect for day-to-night use. It comes with an adjustable strap, which I found quite practical. Initially, I had to leave the strap hanging to let it straighten, but it soon fell into the ideal form. The compartments inside are sufficient for essentials like your phone, compact, and wallet, making it a practical yet stylish choice.

Price and Investment Value

The Hermès Constance 18 as a handmade replica bag doesn’t come cheap, but for a good reason. When you’re investing in a piece like this, you’re not just buying a bag; you’re acquiring an heirloom that seeks to mirror its authentic counterpart in every way.

I paid $1,500 for the bag. Keep in mind the authentic version retails for around $8,000. So although the replica was not cheap, I still saved a significant sum. I purchased this bag from Bobby who is a seller based in Asia. I contacted him via email and communication was primarily done through email. His details can be seen on the Trusted Sellers page.

Comparison with Other Hermès Bags

When pitted against other Hermès classics like the Birkin and Kelly, the Constance 18 holds its own. While those bags offer more space, the Constance gives you the perfect blend of functionality and elegance, without compromising on the quality Hermès is known for.

Pros and Cons


  • Exceptional craftsmanship
  • Versatile and stylish design
  • Practical for daily use


  • High price point
  • Strap needed a couple of days to straighten

Hermès Constance Size Chart

Take a look at the size chart below to see how the Constance 18 compares against other sizes of the same bag:

Size NameDimensions (W x H x D)Strap LengthIdeal For
Micro Constance5.5″ x 4″ x 2″~14″Evening, minimal carry
Mini Constance7.5″ x 5.5″ x 3″~18″Evening, light carry
Constance 187.1″ x 6.2″ x 2.5″ (18 cm)AdjustableDaily use, versatile
Constance 249.4″ x 7.8″ x 3″ (24 cm)AdjustableWork, travel
Constance Elan10″ x 5.5″ x 2″AdjustableFormal events, parties

Personal Experience/Testimonial

From the moment I unboxed my Hermès Constance 18 replica bag, I knew I had made the right choice. The stitching was neat, the leather was pristine, and the overall design was exactly what I had in mind. I couldn’t be happier with this purchase, and it’s been a joy to incorporate it into my daily style.


  • Is the bag spacious enough for daily essentials?
    Absolutely, it offers ample space for your basic items.
  • How does Epsom leather hold up over time?
    Epsom leather is durable and less susceptible to scratching compared to other Hermès leathers.

Takeaway – to buy or not to buy

This Hermès Constance 18 is a beauty. I’ve already said it and I’ll say it again – I’m over the moon with this bag. From craftsmanship to functionality, it checks all the boxes for what a luxury bag should be. If you’re contemplating making this investment (because let’s not kid ourselves even the replica version of this bag is an investiment), my experience says, go for it.

If you found this review helpful, please consider sharing it with friends who are also on the hunt for the perfect luxury bag. Your thoughts and experiences are valuable, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!

Hermès Mini Evelyne (Très Petit Modèle) TPM Replica Bag Review

Hermès Mini Evelyne (Très Petit Modèle) TPM Replica Bag
Love the texture of the leather – it feels as beautiful as it looks in this photo.

Are you a Hermès aficionado searching for a stylish, yet casual statement Hermès replica bag which you can get a lot of use out of? Then the Hermès Mini Evelyne replica bag might be exactly what you are searching for…. well at least this is the case for me personally.

I am Hermès obsessed.

I mean the simple yet sophisticated luxury.

So hard to go wrong with!

And I mean how many other brands are able to accomplish what Hermès has?

Ok enough Hermès fan-girling… back to the replica bag review.

I truly believe that everyone who is an Hermès lover needs a Mini Evelyne in their life as it really does merge elegance with functionality. But with so many replicas on the market, how do you determine how to even find one let alone spend your hard-earned cash on? Let’s dive into my shopping journey for this bag…

Where I Purchased My Hermès Mini Evelyne Replica

I purchased the bag from Hermès Heaven (HH) which is a fairly popular Hermès seller in the rep or replica bag community. They have an email through which they can be contacted and will share their WeChat account with you as well if you ask. However they don’t have a website. If you have any experience shopping for replicas you know that most sellers are sketchy as f*ck so finding a legit seller is akin to finding a canary in a coal mine. I specifically spoke to Lucy via email and she was lovely. Very patient and willing to answer all of my questions. We had a back and forth exchange for about a week before I decided to go ahead and order with them. They let me put 50% down until the bag was completed, and then I paid the remaining 50% after photos of the completed work was sent to me via email.

Pros and Cons: An Honest Review of the Hermès Mini Evelyne Replica

Here are some notable pros of the bag:

Luxury Craftsmanship:

As with all Hermès products, the Mini Evelyne TPM is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every stitch and fold is perfectly executed.


Made from Clemence leather, which is derived from baby bull, the bag is resistant to scratches and wear, making it a long-lasting investment.

Casual Elegance:

The design of the Mini Evelyne TPM leans towards a more casual aesthetic while retaining the sophistication that Hermès is known for. This makes it versatile for both daytime errands and evening outings.


Given its size and the nature of Clemence leather, this bag is relatively lightweight, making it comfortable for extended use.

Adjustable Canvas Strap:

The canvas strap is both durable and adjustable, allowing wearers to style it as a crossbody or shorten it as needed.

Unique Design:

The perforated “H” logo on the front and the external pocket provide a distinctive Hermès touch that’s recognizable yet understated.


Its size and design make it a great bag for various occasions, from running errands to more formal events. It’s also unisex in its appeal.

Practical Size:

The “Mini” or TPM (Très Petit Modèle) size is compact enough for essentials without being too bulky, striking a balance between function and fashion.

Natural Look and Feel:

The soft, grainy, and slouchy nature of Clemence leather gives the bag a natural and relaxed look, which many users appreciate for its non-rigid appearance.

Color Range:

Like many Hermès products, the Mini Evelyne TPM comes in a variety of colors, allowing individuals to choose one that best reflects their personal style.

I personally purchased the bag in Clemence leather which is both grainy and soft. The bag is hand made meaning it is hand stitched and the stitching is very precise. The bag has minimal hardware (one of my favorite features about the bag), and it is a crossbody which is a BIG PLUS for me! I think it is one of the most functional designer bags I have in my collection.

And here are some cons of the bag:


Even as a “mini,” this Hermès bag can be quite expensive, often running into thousands of dollars for an authentic piece. A good quality replica will also cost in the upper hundreds and lower thousands. This could be prohibitive for many people who may not have the budget to spend that much on a bag.


Hermès bags are known for their exclusivity, and depending on the model and materials, they can be difficult to acquire, sometimes involving waiting lists (especially if you are considering buying authentic). The best Hermès replica bags are also handmade so the ordering process often requires a period of waiting for the bag to be crafted.


High-quality leather like Clemence needs to be cared for to maintain its appearance. It can be susceptible to scratches and scuffs if not handled carefully. Regardless of whether you buy authentic or replica, this is a factor to consider.

Size Constraints:

Being a “Mini Evelyne TPM,” the bag’s petite size might not be suitable for those who need to carry a lot of items. Its compact size may only allow for essentials like a wallet, phone, and a few small items. This bag promotes true minimalism.

Limited Compartments:

The minimalist design might not offer as much organizational structure as some people prefer in a bag.

Material Breakdown: What’s the Hermès Mini Evelyne Replica Made Of?

Hermès is renowned for its commitment to using high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship. The Hermès Mini Evelyne TPM in Clemence leather is no exception. Let’s dive into the materials used to make this bag (in both authentic and high quality replica or super fake replica form):

Clemence Leather:


Clemence leather is made from baby bull, making it highly durable and resistant to scratches.


This leather is known for its large, flat grain. It’s soft and has a slouchy nature, which means it doesn’t hold rigid shapes very well but it’s great for more casual bags like the Evelyne.


Soft, heavy, and has a luxurious feel. It’s flexible, making it comfortable for daily use.


Typically, the hardware on Hermès bags (like clasps, studs, and buckles) is made from high-quality plated metals. Depending on the design and customer’s preference, the hardware might be in gold or palladium finish.

Canvas Strap:

The Mini Evelyne TPM comes with an adjustable canvas strap, making it perfect for crossbody wear. The canvas used is thick, durable, and designed to sustain the bag’s weight comfortably.


While the main material is Clemence leather, the interior of the bag may have a suede-like finish derived from the underside of the leather. This gives the inside a soft, plush feel.


The thread used for stitching is of superior quality, ensuring longevity. In many Hermès pieces, the stitching is done by hand, following traditional saddle-stitching techniques that the brand is famed for.


The edges of the bag are often finished with glazing to give them a polished appearance and protect them from wear and tear. This is typically done using a mix of materials to ensure the edges are sealed and smooth.

All these materials combined with the brand’s unrivaled craftsmanship ensures a product that isn’t just luxurious, but also enduring.

Quality Factors: How to Assess a Hermès Replica Bag

Leather Quality:

Genuine Hermès products have a distinct soft, grainy, and smudgy touch.


Less is more; the minimal hardware should feel sturdy and look polished. It should be weighty and the color should be sharp.


Authentic bags have their stamp hidden under the flap which is a detail that any good quality replica or superfake replica should mirror.


Even or “clean” stitching is a sign of a high-quality replica. Ideally the bag you purchase should be “handmade” as opposed to “machine made” meaning that an artisan stitches the bag by hand as is done by the real Hermès workshops.

Favorite Features: What Stands Out in My Hermès Mini Evelyne Replica Bag


The leather feels soft and of high quality, and resembles the leather of genuine Hermès bags. Hermes Heaven actually sources their leather from the same supplier as the authentic Hermès brand.


Exquisite stitching which denotes careful crafting by an artisan.


Lucy was responsive, knowledgeable, and even humorously engaging.

The only thing that I’d dock points for is the fact that the interior of the bag feels slightly less smooth than an authentic Hermès bag.

Hermès Mini Evelyne (Très Petit Modèle) TPM Replica Bag Logo
The perforated H logo is oh so chic!
Hermès Mini Evelyne (Très Petit Modèle) TPM Replica Bag Back
A shot of the back of the bag. Look at the cleanliness and precision of the stitching.

Final Recommendation: Should You Buy the Hermès Mini Evelyne Replica?

Given its quality, the replica bag stands strong against its authentic counterpart. There might be minor nuances discernible to a Hermès expert, but it’s incredibly satisfactory for daily use and let’s face it: 99.9% of the population is not a Hermès expert waiting to inspect your bag with a magnifying glass in hand. Had I seen this bag in the Hermès boutique, I would have never batted an eyelash as it would have looked authentic and fit right in, and I’m pretty sure neither would have you.

And of course considering the bag is a fraction of the original’s price (I paid $1,100 + shipping versus over $3,500 for an authentic), it is certainly a steal. I would 100% recommend this bag (in this specific make/replica quality/replica grade) to anyone who is considering buy a Hermès replica. If you are thinking of buying a different Hermès bag make sure to read the Ultimate Shopping Guide for Hermès replica bags.

Authentic vs. Replica Chanel Flap Bag: A Detailed Comparison

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag

What’s the big deal? Well in the world of Chanel, details matter. At first glance, it’s probably tough for most to tell the difference between two similar Chanel medium flap bags. Before I tell you go ahead and guess: which one’s the real deal? It is the black medium flap bag with silver hardware or is the beige apricot medium flap bag with gold hardware? Keep in mind both bags are made with Chanel’s distinctive yet luxe caviar leather.

Chanel. Chanel. Chanel. I could say Chanel a million times more and it wouldn’t sound any less chic. It is one of my favorite designers and it probably also one of your favorite designers if you have landed here. Being Chanel obsessed does present a challenge however: the constant desire to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for a new Chanel goodie. Although I love buying authentic Chanel items (this post does compare a real Chanel bag to a replica Chanel bag after all), I dabble in replicas as well (as the name of this blog implies) and I can’t help but keep this particular replica Chanel bag to myself.

Here’s a hint: the beige apricot caviar leather bag with gold hardware is the replica. I guess that was more an answer than a hint but I couldn’t resist spilling the beans. The replica Chanel bag so close in design to the authentic or original black caviar leather Chanel bag with silver hardware that it’s easy to get them mixed up.

How does one analyze the difference between authentic and replica and even determine what kind of a replica bag is good to buy? Fortunately I have years of experience so let’s dive into the details. This reading is perfect for those either replica curious or replica enthusiastic.

Comparing Proportions and Alignments

Both bags maintain impeccable proportions. Every line and curve seem meticulously designed, mirroring each other with perfection. This isn’t something one typically finds with regular replicas, making this super fake replica an impressive creation.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Closeup

The Texture of Leather

The beige replica boasts a small-grained caviar leather, while the authentic black version has the standard caviar. This difference is subtle, and unless directly compared, it’s easily overlooked.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Hardware

How Hardware Color Varies

Despite the difference in hardware colors (light gold vs. silver), the sheen and aesthetic feel surprisingly similar, showing the lengths the makers of the replica have gone to ensure accuracy.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Bottom

Puffiness and Aesthetic Appeal

The puffiness of both bags matches perfectly. This is especially noteworthy as achieving the right level of puffiness is a common pitfall for many replicas.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Side
Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Top

Assessing Stitching Quality

Minus the border stitches, the flaps on both bags seem uncannily alike. The stitching alignment is meticulous and stands out as one of the reasons this superfake is head and shoulders above its counterparts.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Side

Dimensions and Grommet Placement: What You Need to Know

While the authentic black version is slightly longer, the grommet placement and size are spot on in the replica.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Back Pocket
Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Back Pocket

Back Pocket Alignment: A Side by Side Look

This is 1:1, which further boosts the credibility of the replica.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Stitching

Evaluating Sheen Levels

The one noticeable difference is the sheen. The replica’s leather presents a more matte finish, but again, without side-by-side comparison, this difference is minor.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Logo
Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Logo Hardware

Internal Hardware Placement: A Close Look

This is astonishingly accurate at 100%, a detail often overlooked in many replicas but not in this superfake.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Chain
Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Back of Bags

Differences in Chain and Turnlocks

The replica’s chains are noticeably stiffer and bulkier, and the turnlock on the replica has a louder, more pronounced click, which may appeal to some. Both the chain and the leather strap are thicker on the replica, making it feel more robust.

Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Side Comparison
Authentic Chanel Flap Bag vs Replica Chanel Flap Bag Chain

A Look at Flap Corners

The malleability of the replica’s corners compared to the authentic’s stiffer ones is a difference, but this could be attributed to wear and tear over time.

Price Comparison: Is it Worth It?

One of the most significant differences between the authentic Chanel bag and the replica Chanel Bag, which cannot be overlooked, is the price tag. Authentic Chanel medium flap bags can set you back several thousands of dollars. Authentic Chanel bags are an investment. On the other hand, the superfake comes in at a much more wallet-friendly $600.

Since the price of the superfake replica Chanel bag is much less it makes it way more comfortable to carry the bag and wear it knowing that I am not risking damaging such a pricey investment. Many replica enthusiasts I regularly buy copies of their authentic bags for daily use while they store their authentic bags to prevent damage. That’s one way to get the best of both worlds.

Basically for someone that is seeking the aesthetics, quality, and feel of a Chanel bag without the hefty price tag, the super fake replica bag offers an extremely appealing option. Considering the painstaking attention to detail and the high quality of the super fake replica, $600 feels like a steal. On a personal level I’d say that this price difference justifies the minute discrepancies between the authentic bag and the replica bag.

Where to Find High-Quality Chanel Replicas

The bag featured in this article was purchased from the seller Society Of Chanel (also known as SoC). You can see their contact details on the Trusted Replica Sellers List here. I reached them by email at [email protected].

Final Thoughts – to buy or not to buy

In conclusion, for a replica enthusiast, this Chanel super fake replica medium flap bag is nothing short of a steal. Its impeccable design, detailed alignment, and near-authentic feel make it a worthy purchase. While there are subtle differences, they only become apparent upon close inspection and direct comparison. And this direct comparison must be done by someone who is quite knowledgeable about Chanel products.

Are the details noticeable when I’m wearing the bag while out on the town? The answer is simple – NO! You wouldn’t even bat an eyelash.

This replica bag is phenomenal overall – and let me emphasize that I have bought a lot of replica bags so when I say ‘phenomenal’ I mean it! This replica bag has been crafted with a level of finesse and craftsmanship that is truly commendable.

As we all know it is said that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and I’d say that this level of imitation makes the flattery that much more sincere.